Adjusting HST for twice a week


New Member
With my martial arts training I can only dedicate two days a week to strength training.

Previously, I was doing Vanilla HST and just going twice a week instead of three times. I was not making gains, but was maintaining my strength levels.

Would you suggest a different training protocol or just an adjustment in volume to HST?

A typical week looks like this:

SUN - Strength Training A
MON - Jiu Jitsu
TUES - Off
WED - Jiu Jitsu
THUR - Strength Training B
FRI - Off
SAT - Jiu Jitsu or Off

Strength Training A

Strength Training B
Franko, you should be able to make good gains on a 2 x weekly HST program but you are going to have to eat like a horse because you are also doing your jujitsu 2-3 x weekly. With just four exercises each session I'd try a volume of around 20-30 reps per exercise.

15s: 2 x 15 / 1.5 x 15 (Week 1/Week 2)
10s: 3 x 10 / 2.5 x 10 (Week 3/Week 4)
5s: 5 x 5 / 4 x 5 (Week 5/Week 6)
Post-5s: 6 x 3 / 5 x 3 (Week 7/Week 8)

You could superset chest and back exercises to save time during 5s. Do fewer sets for arms during 5s and post-5s.

If you never feel sore from the lifting then try adding ~5 more reps per exercise. If you start feeling weaker over the course of the cycle then fatigue is building up more quickly than desirable. In this case make sure you avoid hitting failure on workout days and perhaps try fewer reps but more sets with any particular load (ie. during 10s you might do 3.5 x 8 instead of 3 x 10).

Oh, did I say eat A LOT? Try to ensure you are gaining at least half a pound a week on average; this won't be easy to gauge as it will mean gaining only about 4lb per 8 week cycle. A pound a week is easier to gauge but you may not be happy with the amount of fat you will inevitably gain.
When you're saying do 2.5 sets of 10s, you mean 10 reps, 10 reps, 5reps?

Also, thanks for the detailed response.
(Franko @ Sep. 22 2008,1:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">When you're saying do 2.5 sets of 10s, you mean 10 reps, 10 reps, 5reps?

Also, thanks for the detailed response.</div>
Yup and no probs.
(Lol @ Sep. 21 2008,8:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">15s: 2 x 15 / 1.5 x 15 (Week 1/Week 2)
10s: 3 x 10 / 2.5 x 10 (Week 3/Week 4)
5s: 5 x 5 / 4 x 5 (Week 5/Week 6)
Post-5s: 6 x 3 / 5 x 3 (Week 7/Week 8)</div>
By reading this topic I would like to know what you mean with 1.5 x 15?
One set and a half?
(bodyguard @ Oct. 04 2008,3:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Lol @ Sep. 21 2008,8:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">15s: 2 x 15 / 1.5 x 15 (Week 1/Week 2)
10s: 3 x 10 / 2.5 x 10 (Week 3/Week 4)
5s: 5 x 5 / 4 x 5 (Week 5/Week 6)
Post-5s: 6 x 3 / 5 x 3 (Week 7/Week 8)</div>
By reading this topic I would like to know what you mean with 1.5 x 15?
One set and a half?</div>
Yes, he means 1set and a half i.e. 15 followed by another set of 7 or 8.
So a normal HST cycle is 6 sessions in 2 weeks. Would you still recommend changing my rep scheme every two weeks even though I'll only be getting 4 sessions.

In the past I would just spend three weeks per rep scheme, but I feel like spending six weeks working on fifteens and tens may be too long away from the heavier weights.

Also, how would you suggest incrementing the weights if I'm only going to get 4 sessions per rep scheme?
I'd probably do four sessions of 15s and six of both 10s, 5s and post-5s. I don't think it would hurt your gains to do six sessions of 15s but I think four sessions would be fine. Try starting the 15s with around 70% of your 15RM and then just make 10% increments up to your 15RM.