advice about situation.


New Member
I am currently in my last week of the 5's. I have up to now been doing a very simple am/pm split hitting the entire body each session, 3 times weekly.

My increments in weight jump 10 # in most lifts and 20 # in the big compounds.

I was looking for thoughts on the possibility of ending this with doing only one session per day as opposed to the am/pm split.

My schedule is pretty crazy now 50+ hours of work
15 credits of college ,and family.

Thanks for any advice!
(jtb030 @ Sep. 12 2007,12:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I was looking for thoughts on the possibility of ending this with doing only one session per day as opposed to the am/pm split.</div>
It would likely be much better to finish out your cycle doing one-a-days, rather than having your hectic schedule cause you to drop your cycle altogether.

How would you make the switch? Would you just drop your pm exercises, or would you fold some or all of them into your am workout?
Thanks for the quick response TunnelRat.

I have been doing 3 sets of each exercise.

Here is my routine.

AM Squat alternated with Deadlift
Weighted Dips
Weighted chins
Military Press
Extensions---Dropped these in the 5's

PM Incline Bench
Military Press
Curls---- Dropped these in the 5's

I thought maybe as these weights climb I could alternate
the corresponding exercises (dips/Inclines)
{Chins/T-rows) etc.

On top of everything I now have a cold virus.

Let me know what you think

You could still do them all as an A/B setup, keep the deads once p/eek alternate the dips/bench and the chins/rows,one week do two of one the other two of the other, make sense?

Beware of teh virus, if you get a fever or night sweats call your cycle a day and end it there, its just not worth the risk!
Thanks Fausto!

I completed todays workout:

Squat 2X5
W. Dips 2x5 felt great
Military 2x5-- had to max-stim these
W. Chins 2x5 felt great

I think being I am on my 2nd to last workout of week 2 of the 5's it was very beneficial to drop back from 3 to 2 sets.
(I think 3 may have been detrimental.)

After the workout, about an hour later I felt the dreaded fever come on.

So I am not sure about tonights workout after work.

Thanks for the advice.