Advice for my upcoming post 5s phase

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I plan on pushing my 5rm to what it was before I cut. Whatever happens, say I plateau at a certain weight on each lift here's what I was thinking:

Deads: Instead of the planned 5 sets by 5 reps (or less if it's getting too heavy for me) what if I do 3 or 4 sets at the rm, then do one set of heavier rack pulls (I have read what Tot and others have said about them and think they might be beneficial.)

Squats: Same deal as above, but 3 or 4 sets of ATG squats at my RM, then one set of parallel squats at a heavier weight.

BTW, I do deads and squats on different days.
personally, i think the rack pulls are a fine idea but i wouldnt mess with the squat to parallel (again imo).

doing partial deads like a rack pull is still involves the same basic, not terribly complex, form and can be beneficial for getting "the feel" of heavier wgt.

proper squat form is typically more complex and stopping at parallel (if your used to atg) in order to do heavier wgt opens the door for form deterioration (especially low back lean). this i feel is doubly true if that parallel set is coming at the end of 2-4 atg sets.

if you feel your near your 5 rep max there are a lot of options open to get more wgt especially if your doing 5 sets of 5reps. clustering, more rest, max stim, singles etc etc.

for me the post/extended 5 period (usually about2-3weeks) was always fun because the higher wgt forced me to lower the volume but it was a nice change from weeks of 2-4 sets of 15-10-5 with minimal rest. lots of wgt with good rest, singles, doubles, clusters etc. i tend to burn out quickly at high wgt so once i achieve my "goal" (usually a 5rep max) i know my time is limited so i try to mix it up.

again this has been from my exper. so if you feel real comfortable with the parallel sq then by all means.......
my main point is youve done a lot of work to get here, have fun with the heavy stuff and do what you gotta do to keep it going up while keeping good form and staying safe.

good luck
(bluejacket @ Jul. 16 2007,16:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">stopping at parallel (if your used to atg) in order to do heavier wgt opens the door for form deterioration (especially low back lean). this i feel is doubly true if that parallel set is coming at the end of 2-4 atg sets.</div>
absolutely agree
There is no way I can now do more than 1 full set at my RM (particularly for deads) so I cluster after that first set. I don't see the point in trying to get there again even if I could. I tend to drop to sets of 3 reps and then down to doubles. Max-stim is excellent too.
I pretty much agree with the boys.

Re: Rack Pulls - I'm coming to find that these seem to be a really good back exercise all in their own. My traps just keep growing and won't stop. They are also good for grip too, in my opinion.

Did I mention that they are fun too? Nothing like lifting a LOT more than you can deadlift and holding it in your hands for a few moments.

I am with you all the way.

I think your idea will work, even though some may cringe at teh idea like bluejacket here:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">proper squat form is typically more complex and stopping at parallel (if your used to atg) in order to do heavier wgt opens the door for form deterioration (especially low back lean). this i feel is doubly true if that parallel set is coming at the end of 2-4 atg sets. </div>

My answer to this would be, instead of stopping at parallel, do box squats, however to me dropping form is never acceptable no matter what form of exercise you are using. In this case box squats are safer than half squats as the torque of the knee area is reduced.

Personally that is what I do for squats, when they get heavy, I'll do my first two warmup sets or so ATG, then when the weight is say over 100 Kg, I switch to Box, that way I managed to do 140 Kg. for two sets, I never would have managed to do them ATG, although that is my target.

Deads too, falls under the same category, doing heavier rack pulls has to give you some advantage.

And yeah max stimm is always an option.

Just my two cents.
As a side note, I've noticed that in a gym where you have a lot of noobs and just generally untrained or unconcerned individuals, you'll see a lot of bad form...and that can become sort of 'acceptable' in your subconcious.
But when you look at a guy putting up a good load with absolutely perfect form, making it look almost easy, look at what happens to your thinking.
It's sort of like watching a ballroom dance contest: part of you wants to BE that guy spinning the hot chick around. We should watch out for what we watch.

Fausto may not be lifting the house, but I'll bet if you watched him you wouldn't be thinking ill of his lifts, simply because of form. And his BW/Lift ratio is good too.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto may not be lifting the house, but I'll bet if you watched him you wouldn't be thinking ill of his lifts, simply because of form. And his BW/Lift ratio is good too. </div>

Us &quot;geezers&quot; end up supporting each other.

Much obliged Quad.
My nephew would have said &quot;not bad for a girl&quot;, it was just his hit line.

But in the end it is true...I am a bit of a form freak, you can ask my partner, I just think it is better to lift a little less with good form than to try and lift the &quot;house&quot; in a pityfull way
I may not mess with the squats. I like the box squat idea, but I've enver done them. I may mess aroun and get comfortable with them using much lighter weight, maybe.

They easy enough and after you try them you'll see, just be careful not to relax your natural muscle belty around your back, keep the intra abdominal pressure in there!

I kinda just touch my ass on the box and go, this equates to a 90 degree squat.