Advice for next cycle of HST


New Member
Hi everyone, I have almost completed my first cycle of HST and I am very pleased with the results! however, I would like to make some slight alterations to the routine, maybe drop some exercises and possibly change some.

I do an A/B split heres my routine
Leg Curl
Incline Bench Press
Medium grip chins
Seated Row
Military press
Bent Lateral Raises
Alternating Incline Dumbbell Curls
weighted ez curl bar on legs Tricep dips
Calf Raises
Weighted crunches

Workout B
Leg Press
Stiff Legged Deadlift
Wide chins
Seated Row
Military press
Lateral Raise
Hammer curls
weighted tricep bench dip (E Z curl bar on legs)
calf raise
leg raises

I'm thinking of changing seated row, what other exercise should I do for back? Should I alternate the width of the chins? I also think I might change the bicep exercises to Barbel curls as i can increment the weights more. would it be best to do standing bb curls and seated preacher curls? For legs, I think im going to drop leg press and just do squats, same story for the leg curl and stiff legged deads.

For chest, would it be optimal to drop dips and alternate between flat and incline bench? to be honest, I dont think I need to do this, my chest was hit pretty well with the current exercises.

Im thinking to add close grip bench press to hit some tricep as my arms are lagging a bit, where should I place this in my routine? Should i alternate tricep exercises?

Sorry if this is all too much, but I appreciate some input!
I suggest getting rid of the fluff and focusing on compound lifts.

I do an A/B split heres my routine
Leg Curl
Incline Bench Press
Medium grip chins
Seated Row-toss
Military press
Bent Lateral Raises-toss
Alternating Incline Dumbbell Curls-toss
weighted ez curl bar on legs Tricep dips (this or the other workout, not both)
Calf Raises
Weighted crunches

Workout B
Leg Press
Stiff Legged Deadlift
Wide chins- toss (choose wide chins or close)
Seated Row
Military press
Lateral Raise-toss
Hammer curls
weighted tricep bench dip (E Z curl bar on legs)
calf raise
leg raises

lol there may be a lot of fluff but I purposely added the bicep/tricep exercises as I need to focus on arm development because thats where I lag.
Just trust your instincts. If you are running outta gas all the time at the end of the workout, it's too much! Try a condensed cycle just to see what happens. You may be really suprised with your results.