Advice on my first HST cycle


I must first say that my initial impression of HST was that it is counterintuitive, but after reading the science and I am a man of science myself so it definitely appeals to me. My gains have stagnated for a while anyway so what do I have to lose?

Here are my stats:

25 year old male
1.85m (6’0”)
BodyMassIndex: 23.8
81.5 kg (179 pounds)
16.6% BF (13.5KG/30 pounds)

I will take body measurements when I get a measuring tape.

Body % composition was measured by bioimpedance on a set of tanita scales. They will be more useful in comparing any changes more than giving an accurate absolute figure.

All RM’s are Kg’s from here on in (it looks so bad compared to 100’s of pounds). Having done a lot of HIT, I have a good estimate of what my RM’s are. I will still check them once I have finished SD.

15RM 10RM 5RM
Squat Day (1)

Squats 75 90 100
Leg Press 240 260 290

Bench Press BB 65 70 80
Incline Bench Press DB 20 22.5 27.5

Chin-ups weighted 10 12.5 20
Bent over rows BB 65 70 85

Military Press 40 45 50

French Curl BB 20 25 32.5
Hammer Curl DB 17.5 20 25
One Arm Row right side only 32.5 37.5 42.5

Deadlift Day (2)

Deadlift 2 sets 90 100 120

and then everything else is the same from Day 1.

Attached is my table, I will do 5RM's for the last 2 weeks that are empty columns, doing negs without a partner is to dangerous.

Regarding the right side only for the one arm row: I am attempting to correct symmetry (both in strength and size) in my Bi’s mainly, but back and shoulders are a little out as well. I tend to favour my left side, especially if I’m not concentrating properly or I’m near failure, the right side caves in first.

I like deads too much to leave them out and read the warning about doing Squats and deads on the one day.

What do you all recommend for Abs?

There are countless ab exercises and mine haven’t changed much in recent times.
In keeping with the HST ideals we still need weight progression as the reps lowers or what? I was thinking weighted decline ab bench.

As for calves…I use my bike as my main mode of transport so there is no way I could SD them. They have decent definition from the riding, but they are starting to look a little small compared to my quads. Such is life, calves don’t get the girls anyway.

I need a better tri exercise that’ll really shred them. I don’t really think that french curls cause enough of the good pain.

Also how do you adjust the weight on weighted chins?

My 5RM would be a 20kg plate (44pounds).

Going by what people have said here I would love it if I could pull 8 pounds out of this, 5 pounds would be ok as well, but if I got 12-15 like some of you nutters I’d be over the moon.

Regarding sets/reps this is what the vanilla setup is that I was planning on following:

2x15 for both weeks, 2x10 for 1st week, 1 x10 for 2nd week and 2x5 for 1st week and 1 x5 for 2nd week and then fell what you can do for the last 2 weeks of 5's instead of negatives.

Other people recommended 15 x 1 set / 10 x 2 sets / 5 x 3 sets and then.....

I noticed a lot of arguing in the thread on set numbers and then I came accross this:

Increase volume if:

You are never sore
You are never tired
You are not growing

Maintain volume if:

You are slightly sore most of the time
You are tired enough to sleep well, but not so tired you lose motivation to train.
You are noticeably “fuller”

Decrease volume if:

You are experiencing over use pain, and strain symptoms in joints and/or muscles.
You are tired and irritable all the time, yet don’t sleep well.
Strength levels are significantly decreasing.

Which basically means that you are striving for DOMS and a good stretch and to feel your way through the workout and adjust as required.

AS far as tempo goes I think the advice was to control the weight at all times and keep a good rhythm, so that would be something like 2-0-1.5.

I don't trust those scales so much...used one when we did a health expo for the church...and my body fat came in at 26%, definitelly incorrect, according to these calculations it is between 13.25 and 14.78%.

Here's a good calculator:

Factor 1: (Total body weight x 1.082) + 94.42
Factor 2: Waist measurement x 4.15
Lean Body Mass: Factor 1 - Factor 2
Body Fat Weight: Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass
Body Fat Percentage: (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total bodyweight

Just get yourself one of those taylor type tape measures and voi-la.

Your program, not bad...I'd just take out the leg press and the hammer curl but obviously that is your choice.

Volume? Well the 15 x 1 set / 10 x 2 sets / 5 x 3 sets kinda keeps the volume constant, you can even get "anal" and do 10 x 1.5.

But your setup is ok, I found that one set was defintelly not enough and so try to do 3 to 4 sets while on 5's but will reduce to a minimum of two when needed.

The guidelines you found are from Bryan himself and they are as true as can be...apply them.
Just to clarify on the vanilla, you guys are doing something different from the original ideal.

Some may question the validity of HST not utilizing more than 1 or 2 sets per exercise. The number of sets is set low to accommodate the frequency necessary to create an effective and consistent environment to stimulate hypertrophy.

But ok I will keep volume constant and do the reps you set out, however I will still listen to Bryan's advice of adjusting if needed to ensure that I get DOMS.

I'll cancel the leg press and hammers, I am just worried that I am not doing enough, especially for legs and I really want to give my bi's a boost.

Does volume = sets x reps

or sets x reps x weight ?

Thanks for the help. SD will be over on Wednesday (12 days). I hope I haven't lost my burn in the gym.
(Fausto @ Jul. 06 2007,15:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Here's a good calculator:

Factor 1: (Total body weight x 1.082) + 94.42
Factor 2: Waist measurement x 4.15
Lean Body Mass: Factor 1 - Factor 2
Body Fat Weight: Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass
Body Fat Percentage: (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total bodyweight</div>
sorry for stupid question

but in what units are given

waist ?
You also have to look at the number of exercises that is posted on the &quot;original ideal&quot;.  I haven't looked at it in awhile, but I remember there being like 2 or 3 exercises for each body part.  A lot of the guys here have tried simplifying (and winning!
) their routines because it's been more effective for many and much easier to manage.  That is why we often recommend possibly doing more than 1 set because we are doing half the listed exercises.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">sorry for stupid question

but in what units are given

waist ? </div>

English units
(colby2152 @ Jul. 11 2007,15:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">sorry for stupid question

but in what units are given

waist ? </div>

English units</div>

makes sense