

New Member
Hey everyone,

I've been using HST for three cycles now and have been reading the forums pretty regularly. I made good gains my first two cycles, this cycle not as much weight gain b/c I was cutting (down to 10%BF at 210 and 6'2")

Anyway, Im planning my next cycle and wanted to add more compounds, but I need to spend some time to learn the exercises (deadlift, squats).

I wanted your advice on how to transition because I'm worried about losing the size and strength I've gained during the last three cycles. I had two ideas...

1) Skip SD and practice with light weights to learn technique, then get maxs and go into an SD.

2) go into an SD now and then learn moves as start of next cycle

Any other ideas or suggestions would be helpful and appreciated!
Just learn the new compounds as you go through the next cycle.

Dont worry about loosing strength you will gain back and then increase your strength much better with squats and deads.

I found there was virtually no carry over from legpress (which I could lift the whole weight stack) to doing squats which I could'nt even manage body weight to start, yet my legs grew an inch within the first four weeks when I switched.

Go over to and the list of exercises there, that way you can learn.

I think in a day you should be able to cover both, in terms of learning how to do them, the most important part for squats is to look up to a point higher than you (but not too high of course) and keep the back ramrod straight (I prefer to use some block of wood - inch think or so under my heels for balance).

Then go up and down with cadence not too fast or too slow and do not lock knees, olimpic squats are all the way down other squats are to the 90 degree angle, both work it is up to you to choose.

Deadlifts - The back must be absolutely straight, you will be squatting down to pick up the weight, then straighten legs as you pick it up, once straightened bar travels to hip section along the body, repeat without bouncing!
what type of deads do you recommend? A trainer at my gym had me doin straight legged but it seems thats not the norm around here.
I prefer conventional deadlifts with an over/under grip.

I think the 15s and lighter 10s will be plenty of time to learn the exercises. Concentrate on form during this time and by the time you get to the 5s, you should be okay.
Straight legged variety is used here, but it is strictly for hamstrings.

The normal deadlift involves legs, back and shoulders and a whole lot of other synergistic muscles, and really gets you breathing big time!

So, the trainer was not wrong...what really matters is the goal you have in mind!
My goal is mass. I think Im gonna do straight legged for a cycle and then perhaps switch to a conventional deadlift.

I figure I can strengthen my hams and lowerback a bit before I start with a conventional deadlift.
I really like to do SLDLs after I have finished squatting. I find the two exercises to be a killer leg combo. I used to spend time messing with leg extensions and leg curls but these two exercises allow me to use heavier loads (for better progression) and blow my legs up like balloons!  

I do normal deads on the days when I am not squatting.

I think if I had to drop everything else from my w/os except these three lifts I would still feel like I was getting a pretty thorough w/o.  
Stick with conventional deadlifts, greater load. Also, don't mess around with half squats, do full olympic squats. When I did parallel squats my knees would get sore after a few weeks. Since February I've been doing full squats and there is no soreness (in my knees) and I did 380x5 for 3 sets last night.

I don't remember who posted it (maybe Aaron F?) but it's very true:

Partial reps for partial results.

I had to lift at a 24 hour Fitness last night and I couldn't believe the form. Almost every person did partials regardless of the exercise. It was sad.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I had to lift at a 24 hour Fitness last night and I couldn't believe the form.  Almost every person did partials regardless of the exercise.  It was sad.</div>

I've just had to change gym (last one went bankrupt mid-cycle and I was a fully paid up member for three years. Bummer!
). During my workout tonight I was asked if I was training for powerlifting by the guy on the desk. I said no and he was suprised as he only saw me and my training partner doing heavy lifts. Apparently, the squat rack doesn't get used much. Well, things are about to change! Full squats are where it's at (but don't bounce at the bottom). I've never experienced any knee pain from doing them although I have split two pairs of shorts in the last week!  

Hey Liege, great lifting mate!