

New Member
I believe I have a good understanding of HST, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on improving my routine. First time HST'er.

I was thinking about alternating A/B routines and going Monday A, Wednesday B, Friday A and so on.

Considering that the HST cycle is 2 weeks long, during the two week periods, if I alternate A/B, I will only hit the A routine weights 3 times instead of 6, is this right? If so, based on the HST spreadsheet do I start with the weight increments beginning at number 3 instead of number 1?


A Routine
BO Row
Incline Bench
Shoulder Press
BB Curl
Close Grip Bench

B Routine
Flat Bench
Seated DB Press
Hammer Curl

Feel free to add/remove/suggest any lifts that would be better than those listed.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Considering that the HST cycle is 2 weeks long, during the two week periods, if I alternate A/B, I will only hit the A routine weights 3 times instead of 6, is this right?</div>

Correct. My first cycle this time a year ago was an A/B split. It worked very well, but I eventually realized that the lifts were so similar, I may as well pick one exercise over another.

What is BO Row? Just regular rows? Instead of flat bench, I would do Dips. I would move the Shrugs to Day A as you have the deadlifts for the B routine.
BO Rows is bent over rows. Do dips really hit the chest area better than flat bench press? Is doing incline bench for one routine and flat bench for the next routine overkill, why dips over flat bench press?

Will I see better results by going to full body workouts M/W/F? In order to hit all of the weight increments I could stretch out the 15/10/5 reps to 4 weeks instead of 2, is there a downside to that?
Do dips really hit the chest area better than flat bench press?

Most HSTers suggest dips because you can use a greater load than bench. Both work the whole chest when using heavy loads.

Is doing incline bench for one routine and flat bench for the next routine overkill, why dips over flat bench press?

I would alternate dips/ incline and flat/ military press.

Squats supersetted with glute/ ham raise
close grip chin ups supersetted with standing military press
flat bench supersetted with bentover rows
curls supersetted with close grip bench (if you have to iso)

wide grip chins supersetted with dips
incline bench supersetted with bentover rows
curls / tris

Cluster to 20 reps through the whole cycle.
Clustering is a technique used to accomplish target reps which cannot be done in one single bout!

Therfore a short rest is allowed in between and the reps are clustered to completion that way.

It is mostly used in 5's and negatives due to the heavy loads!
Your workouts look pretty good. I personally prefer an A/B routine or even an A/B/C routine over repreating the same routine. I would also suggest using dips instead of flat bench as it hits more pectoral muscle fibers.

Do not stretch the 15's and 10's to 4 seeks each. The body adapts to lighter weights fairly quickly )the repested bout effect or RBE). However, you can stretch the 5's to 4 weeks or even more if you want to.

Clustering is a good suggestion. I prefer using drop sets with the 5's, that is lowering the weight after your first set and immediately cranking out 5 more reps then lowering the weight again and cranking out 5 more reps. I believe it is better for hypertrophy than the work/rest combination assuming that you are not a beginner and that hypertrophy and not strength is your goal
Thanks for the advice.

I was wondering can you split the workouts into upper/lower, that way you will hit the target areas twice per week.

Monday and Thursday - Upper
Tuesday and Friday - Lower

Could this be overkill?

Old and Grey, in your A/B/C routine what would the C routine movements consist of? How do you work that into the HST program (weight increment-wise) because wouldn't you be working with your 15/10/5 RM during your second workout and not the sixth. Unless I got this wrong, which is possible.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I was wondering can you split the workouts into upper/lower, that way you will hit the target areas twice per week.

Monday and Thursday - Upper
Tuesday and Friday - Lower

Could this be overkill?</div>

No, it is less frequency than your full body A/B split you had before. Keep your frequency at least 3x/week.
Wilbur, you can do twice per week but I think hitting each bodypart within 48 hours is better.

Here is my current A/B/C workout:

(quote from wilbur)
Will I see better results by going to full body workouts M/W/F? In order to hit all of the weight increments I could stretch out the 15/10/5 reps to 4 weeks instead of 2, is there a downside to that

(old and grey said)
Do not stretch the 15's and 10's to 4 seeks each. The body adapts to lighter weights fairly quickly )the repested bout effect or RBE). However, you can stretch the 5's to 4 weeks or even more if you want to.

although o&amp;g is correct if you are incrementing a) 6 times and b) 6 times the same as normal HST,then as long as the exercises are not the same ones i cant see a problem with making the routine 16wks..we dont actually know how long RBE lasts it could be 2 workouts or 10..i would guess somewhere inbetween these two..good luck
WOW O&amp;G, clean &amp; jerk and deadlifts in the same workout? You must have bumper plates.

That's a killer, even in the 15's.