After 5s


New Member
I need help for the 2 weeks after 5s.
I train at home alone.
I would like to do:

Negs for:
- DIPs
- Pull up

- Parallel squat instead of ATTG with 2RM

- Deadlift from hangs (if I can arrange something) with 2RM

Really don't know about:
- BB Military press
- BB Flat Bench
- EZ Row

3 options:
1) Load: 2 RM I do 2 reps and Max stim other 3 reps
2) Load: 2 RM I do 2 reps then strip some load and do other reps
3) Load: 5 RM and try to increase something each wo (reps or load?)

Another question is how many sets x exercise? 5 reps?
All three of your options are good, but I like #2 the best since it seems you are including metabolic work.

Do as many sets as you can without hitting failure or giving you too much fatigue that you cannot move on within your workout.
A lot of us here train the same way you do (ie. at home, alone).

Switching to Max-Stim after the 5s is a good plan. Try to get 20 reps with the load you are using for each exercise you do. This way, you don't have to change any exercise performance. If you have been doing fewer than 20 reps per exercise during the 5s then this will give you plenty to think about! If you have been doing only 10 reps during 5s then perhaps just 15 reps, Max-Stim style, would be enough to keep triggering a PS response.

I am thinking of trying Max-Stim style negatives for my chins and dips this cycle. M-time won't have to be much but it will be an interesting experiment. I can't recommend it yet though as it may prove to be a little crazy and liable to get me injured.

If you want a way to increase your standing presses once you are at your 5RM load, you can switch to doing push presses. Start by just using your calves a bit to help give the bar a bit of momentum at the start of the concentric part of the lift then lower under control. As you increment the loads you will have to use a bit more leg power to get the bar up, but always lower under control so that you are focussing on the negative.
One trick I've just started doing again is doing the lesser rep work set for squats at just below parallel with a heavy weight, and then a finishing set with light weight doing what I call "bounces".
I go down ATG, push up to parallell, back down again and push all the way up. That's one rep. It gives you more strength in the hole I believe; I seem to have improved from it before. Oh, you don't actually bounce, you push.
Il dotore

I don't think I can add anything to what theguy said so far as I completelly agree!

One thing I'd say about the paralell though is that I think you should rather use a box squat (even if off a lowish bench), you can put a decent load but be very carefull with your back, apart from that it is an excellent way of squatting with extremelly heavy poundage provided that you are well aware of just touching the box instead of sitting and relaxing your spine, you can sit if you wish but keep your abs "tightly packed" and preferably wear a belt.

Enjoy the benefits of a very hard program
I agree with Lol, you should definitely try push presses. They are the best way to do negative on military press, and they are a great power builder.
first thanks to everybody for your help.
Yesterday I started my first week of 5s... I like low reps
good wo with a lot of control
Every wo will be 3x5 except Military press, I started with 2x5 and I'll end with 1x5

Just for your info I'd like to inform you what will be the loads for the last two weeks of 5s:


BB Military press 42Kg
Pull up to chest prone wide grip

DIPs 8Kg
Deadlifts 115Kg


EZ Row 76Kg
BB Flat Bench 62Kg
Squat 80Kg

So, my idea is:

Pull up to chest prone wide grip --> NEGs
DIPs --> NEGs

BB Military press --> HELP WITH CALVES

Squat --> BOX or 1 & 1/2 rep
Deadlifts --> FROM HANGS (probably, other ideas???)
BB Flat Bench --> STRIPPING

As many sets as possible of 5 reps

Every comment is welcome