After an 8 week cycle


New Member
Firstly I apologise if this is on another thread. i did a search but couldn't find what I was looking for. Please point me in the right direction if there is a thread.

I am in the process of doing my first hst cycle. I have been using increment increases of 10lbs on compound exercises and 5lbs on an iso work i do.

My question is this. When you finish your 8 week cycle and do your sd how much do you increases your new rpms by? I thought about increasing it by the increment I use but was wondering if this is really enough.
From what I have read on previous threads I thought you could just increase again without having to re-test them. I was going to use this approach. I just wasn't sure how much I should increase by. My increments will always be between 5 and 10 lbs untill my lifts get heavy enough so that the increments can be more
after every 2wk cycle 15s,10s,5s, on your last day,if you can increase the weight from what you have wrote down then use that next cycle as your new max.
i never re test my maxes unless i am doing another exerecise that i didnt do on the last cycle.
I never retest my maxes. In weeks 7 and 8, I'm pushing my 5rms higher and higher. I use those new weights for my next cycle. I then increase my 10 rm and 15 rm accordingly. I've never had a problem reaching them.
I plan on working on my 5's through weeks 7 & 8 and then using this as my new 5prm. etothepii how do you mean you then increase the weights for your 15 and 10's accordingly? Are your rpm for the 15's and 10's linked to what you lift with your 5's? I thought about increasing by 10lbs on compounds and 5lbs on iso. Just don't want to get to the last workout of each section and realise I could have lifted more
What I have done at the end of my HT cycles is to extend the strength phase (after the 2 wks of 5's), by doing 3's, then 2's and finally singles. I'll then enter my 1rm for each movement into an online multi-rep calculator and get a 5, 10, and 15rm - so far it's worked like a charm.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Are your rpm for the 15's and 10's linked to what you lift with your 5's?</div>
I don't know how Eto does it, but there are places you can get estimates of 10RM and 15RM if you plug in your 5RM.  One that was recommended by someone here and that I find works well for me (though seems to be more accurate for upper body than lower) is One Rep.  The main thing is that you know your end point (5RM).  Whatever method you use to find the start point is not as important, as you will still be getting progressive loading to the final load.  I typically get my new 5RM from the actually ending workouts and just use the calculator to get the others.  Even for new exercises I seldom test anymore than my 5RM.
I am probably thinking too much but is my idea of increasing the weight by the increment I use for each exercise ok? I mean I have been doing 10lbs increments of chest press for example, so when I start a new cycle by new rpm could then be 10lbs more than I finished? Or having done 5's for 4 weeks will by strenth me more than that so should I increase by 20lbs (ie double the increment amount)
Lets take squat, for example. If I'm able to raise my 5 RM pretty easily by 10 lbs at the end of an HST cycle, then I will raise it 5, maybe even 10 lbs for my 15 rm and 10 rm. Probably 5, just to be safe. If I'm not sure, I'll do a set at my new 15 or 10 rm just to see if it's doable.

If my 5 RM doesn't change, or it increases by 5 lbs, maybe with some difficulty, then I don't change the other RMs at all.