After the 8 weeks?


New Member
By the end of next week i'll have finished my first 8 week cycle. Am i right in thinking that the following 2 weeks I should do no training? If so is it possible to start doing an ab workout or will this affect the purpose of the 2 weeks down taking into account I haven't done any ab specific excercises during the 8 week cycle itself.

My exercises were;

Deadlift, Squat, Bench, BB Row, Dips, Concentration Curls. I had started with Military Press as well but an injury prevented me from continuing this :/

Also once the 2 weeks is up do I start straight away on another 8 week cycle (or whatver programme i feel like) or do i retest my maxes?
Many lifters on an HST program like to continue for a week or two (or more) after the 8th week. You can repeat the weights from week 8. You can try to add a bit to your previous maxes. You can do some negatives. There are a lot of options open to you. It's hard to stop when things are just getting good...