Agon Training


New Member
(Agon: from Latin meaning combined) {thanks online Latin translation site!!!}

Thought 1 or 2 of you might be interested in what I've been doing recently, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if some of you are already doing it, it seems like a natural progression if you have added Myo-Reps to your HST. It produced great results for me on my last cycle. I'd like to think it combines the best of HST, MS & MR. Or you may just want to use it for a bit of a change.

OK it's a bit cheeky to give what I've been doing a name but at least people will know what it is we are talking about. (all the obvious names seem to have been used already, hence Agon)

Let me be CLEAR here, there are no original ideas here it's just parts of HST, Max-Stim & Myo-Reps, DC etc rolled into one, Bryan, Dan & Borge etc. have done the hard work.

I've ended up doing this more-or-less by accident as I decided to include Myo-reps when I began the 10's, mostly in an attempt to shorten the time needed for my workouts. However it seemed to evolve naturally into something a little different from anything I've seen mentioned in one training method. It's built around the HST framework, uses Myo-Reps to (hopefully) increase rates of muscle growth and then uses Max-Stim to extend the cycle by managing fatigue. There is not really a clear change from one to the other it gradually morphs from one method to the other.

Below I use 25reps to illustrate what I did as I have been doing a “Simplify & Win” type workout recently, largely to save time. But one of the main reasons I chose the reduced set of exercises as in “simplify & win” is that it allows you to follow the Myo-Rep recommendations of doing one working set of 25 Myo-reps for each muscle. I believe it will mean your muscles spend more time in the zone which will cause more growth than if you did 2 sets of 15 Myo-reps, though it'll be marginal at best I suspect (doing 2 sets of 15 is fine once the weights get heavier)

Note: If you decide to do the full “vanilla” HST program or are hitting some muscles more than once per session you should do a total of 15reps for each set during 10's and 5's for each exercise so that each muscle is still getting about the same exposure.

As normal

Do these as normal.

At the beginning of your new cycle simply use your weights for the 10's increasing as you normally would to give you your target weights for each training day.
Now instead of doing your normal 2 sets (or however many you do) do one set using Myo-reps. That means the first 10reps are done as normal and the rest as Myo-reps (MR) to make total of 25reps (assuming 1 exercise per muscle group) for your single Myo-Rep set.
Refer to the Myo-reps threads i.e. The complete Borge Fabralli (or the Myo-Reps website using Google translate) if you need more info on how to do Myo-reps.

Your first session of “10's” might look something like this
10 +7 +6 +2 = 25reps in total
10 +7 +5 +3 = 25reps in total
(Note: take a shorter rest before the final reps if they are going to be a big drop (as in the first example) in reps as compared to the previous rep so that you almost hit failure on the final rep, the 25th)

Again you simply use the target weights that you would have calculate at the start of your new HST cycle for each training day of the 5's. Or you can simply take the weight from your last “10's” session, increase it by your normal amount and do 25reps, this is what actually I did. You may get a better progression from "10's" to "5's" this way e.g. your first set might look something like this 8 +6 +5 +4 +2

With Myo-Reps you would normally reduce the number of reps with the heavier weights e.g. from 25 to 15, but by applying Max-Stim principles you can keep reps to 25 per set. Your Myo-Reps will simply drop down naturally until you hit singles but instead of stopping at around 15 you continue with single reps Max-Stim style until you've done 25 in total. You are therefore switching from using fatigue to signal muscle growth (Myo-Reps) to managing fatigue with Max-Stim. Your set might look something like this
5 +4 +3 +3 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
You would extend the 5's as far as you can (after your 2wks of 5's) until your set is all or almost all Max-Stim e.g.
3 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 (Total = 25reps)

You might want to use more weights than you might normally do for HST when doing them with  Myo-Reps e.g. use the weights calculated for your second weeks of both the 10's & 5's but do each weight twice as with Max-Stim.

P.S. Don't forget to warm up properly by doing enough warm up sets for each exercise for both the so called “10's” & “5's” before doing your one working set using myo-reps.
Ordinarily I would defer people to the definition of "training" as opposed to "random exercise", but inasmuch as you are using the same exercise and merely tweaking the rep schemes, I think you've got a very good setup here. At first I didn't get the higher reps in the activated myo sets, but now realize it's because you are submax and not 10rm.
I've only used myo's with my 10rm's thus far.

My understanding of your Agon method is akin to cluster reps. Much discussion of those a few years back. Basically the same thing, pre Max Stim, which is a single repeated till you hit your rep target.

I agree, it saves time, increases number of reps in the growth zone. You should make good progress on it. It is also infinitely flexible.

Moreso akin to "rest pause" techniques, inasmuch as MS isn't clustering. Myo's are sort of an extension of MR (I'm loathe to say "improvement") and as you can see, they can work in conjunction together.
I used to love a technique called "progressive rest-pause" that would shock you into next week!
Agree completely about your comments on "clustering" & "rest pause". The way I see it is they both have the same objective but just have a slightly different method/set up. I actually made almost the exact same comment as you about clustering on the "how are you training now thread", which prompted me to write the above post.

Like I said, nothing new, just a slightly different plan that some may like to try sometime.

Quad, "progressive rest-pause" sounds like a killer, you've definitely got a masochistic streak!!!
It's reasonably simple. As I recall, I wrote it up in here some years back. After MUCH searching, I found it, and will add one new caveat due to new research:
Progressive rest-pause
Do a ten-rep max and rest 10 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 15 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 20 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 25 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 30 seconds.
Last set.
Go home.
I find that the final set would be only about 2-3 reps for compound movements and maybe 5 reps for small muscles, like bi's. These sets are brutal, not for noobs. Only one set needed.
New Caveat: Instead of FAILURE, which we now find is BAD for the CNS, recovery and growth, stop at your slow rep each set, same as you would with MyoReps.
This program was written back when failure training was becoming popular. Even Mentzer was still doing it.  
Interesting approach. This is the first I'm reading of either of these techniques (myo reps or prog rest-pause).

I would hear more about either of them.

Re: Myo reps - basically then an "activation set" (eg. 10 reps with a 12 RM weight) and then additional sets with an indeterminate number of reps, stopping the set when the tempo slows. Rest 20-30 seconds, and repeat until you have achieved a total of 25 reps (including your first 10 rep set). Is that pretty close?


- Savage
savage: correct, but read the thread on them to examine the tweaks you can do.

The PRP system was so brutal, once a week was all you'd want. I'll be trying it again after this cycle of GST, but with the change I mentioned to slow rep stop and see how they feel. I'm sure there will be more reps, therefore more TUT and tonnage, and better recovery.

Myo's will rock your world using the 10rm!
(quadancer @ Feb. 06 2010,10:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">At first I didn't get the higher reps in the activated myo sets, but now realize it's because you are submax and not 10rm.</div>
Quad, yes they are sub max of your 10RM e.g. 75% of your 10RM to start the &quot;10's&quot; just as with normal HST.

Reading it again I can see I rambled a bit and maybe it's not that clear as I'm using the term 15's etc which is a bit misleading. So here's a simplified version just in case anyone didn't follow me.

Simplified version</u>
SD - Do this as normal HST
15's - Do as normal HST e.g. 2x15
Myo-Reps/Max Stim (what would be the 10's, 5's and negs in HST)
Start with the weight you calculated for the 1st session of your 10's and do 25reps total using Myo-reps protocol.
Each weak just increase the weight as you would with HST but just keep going for as many weeks as possible doing 25reps Myo-reps and as the weight increases you'll do more of those reps as Max-Stim type singles.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You would extend the 5's as far as you can (after your 2wks of 5's) until your set is all or almost all Max-Stim e.g.
3 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 (Total = 25reps)</div>
actually you could just do your 5rm here 5x5 or 5+5+4+4+3+3 as heavy as you can or use your 3rm max-stim style,because faliure isnt a problem at that stage,your going into an sd.
(faz @ Feb. 08 2010,6:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You would extend the 5's as far as you can (after your 2wks of 5's) until your set is all or almost all Max-Stim e.g.
3 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 (Total = 25reps)</div>
actually you could just do your 5rm here 5x5 or 5+5+4+4+3+3 as heavy as you can or use your 3rm max-stim style,because faliure isnt a problem at that stage,your going into an sd.</div>

Though the main idea I had in mind when doing the above was the &quot;smooth&quot; progression, so 5x5 wouldn't fit quite so neatly. But I'd agree doing any of the things you mention would be good and I doubt you'd notice any difference in results whatever method is chosen.