Almost done w/15's results & questions


New Member
I am almost done with my 15's. This is my first HST cycle. So far the results have been very good. My chest has shown the most improvement but my whole upper body looks really pumped even when I just wake up.

Now my bf is around 28% but I am trying to bulk. I am stronger when I am heavier. The plan is to do a couple more bulking cycles after this one and then get serious about cutting. My goal is to be between 17-20% bf. I don't want to cut right now for a couple reasons. 1. Muscle burns fat so if I can add 10 or 15 lbs of muscle it should help to burn off the fat when I do cut 2. I dont want to do that yo yo thing where I cut, bulk, cut, bulk. 3. Finally I am seeing some muscle growth now and don't want it to slow down or stop by cutting.

Basically I want to add about 15 maybe 20lbs of muscle and get lean and just maintain that.

When I do cut, I figure I can loose 2 lbs a week so I would need to cut for 2-3 months. What kinds of reps and sets would I do during that time so I don't loose muscle?

Lemme know your thoughts on my plans and if you have any concerns about them.  Thanks
I would be concerned about continuing to bulk at 28% bodyfat. I think you should start a cutting cycle now so you can see the muscle that you have been working for. Also, dont stop your cutting cycle at 17% bodfat, your going to want to go lower than that.
Going on a cutting cycle would also help your overall health, approaching 30% bodyfat is unhealthy.

For what its worth,

Joe G
I agree with Joe G, try cutting first. Even when your goal is fat loss, you shouldn't modify the program (maybe do not SD, though). Keep a consistent training stimulus and leave the rest to your nutrition.

I could tottaly off track here, but my gut feel is that Spyke is right :D , muscle does burn fat

However where I feel he is wrong is continuing with bulking
, i'd much rather stay with maintenance nutrition and try to gain muscle with that, some of the fat would be shed over time, something one should not rush

I agree that close to 30% is not a healthy choice, goodness I am trying to lower my forever sticky
13.5 - 14% and am not happy with my progress so far, how can one be happy with 28% :confused:

I feel that Spyke should go on building muscle untill the fat shedding stops, then yep, look to cut down to 10 - 15% it just looks so much better
Ok ...So I eat a normal amount of healthy foods and continue my cycles, do my cardio and take in enough protein. This way I will continue to gain some muscle and loose fat for a while doing this. When the fat loss stops or slows way down, I start with a reduced cal diet and do even more cardio until my BF is at the target.

How does that sound??? BTW the way I have been measuring my bf is with a bathroom scale that I got at sportmart. How accurate are these things?
Like I said in the other post....not accurate at all!!!!

Get your real bodfy fat done, then youll know what kind of cycle and diet youll want to be on.

Joe G
You can buy a set of Accu-Measure calipers online for like $5.00 and though it isn't perfect, it will be way more accurate than that scale. Take some measurements, go to one of those sites with a skin fold calculator and plug in your numbers.