Alternating exercises between 2 cycles, WITHOUT SD?


New Member
Would hypertrophy gains be compromised if one was to do 2 cycles of HST, without any SD between them, but the exercises were significantly different?

As an example, let's say the 1st cycle would be squats, chin-ups and dips, while the 2nd cycle would be deadlifts, Incline Bench Press and Up-Right Rows or Overhead Shoulder Presses.

Has anyone tried anything like this? What do our experts think ? The purpose of all this being not having to sit out for 2 weeks between cycles.

PS.Maybe skipping 15s would help in this scenario?
It's my understanding that the main purpose of SD is to decondtion the muscles a bit so that you can continue to progress the loads for a longer period of time - even when using weights the muscles have already seen.
There is still overlap in the muscles being worked even though the exercises are the different. The body simply will adjust to the stimulus and the 2nd cycle won't be nearly as productive as it would had you SD'd.

As for skipping the 15's: I did this cycle and found out that I am burning out quicker at the end of this cycle. You get to the heavier weights faster, but your body can still only handle them for so long before it needs a break from training.
What both Mr. T and the Dawg said!

Also remember that usually by around day 9 or so of SD there is a proliferation of satellite cells in your muscles. It’s the nuclei from theses satellite cells which get incorporated into your damaged muscles cells after a workout that allow them to grow beyond what they could with only a single nuclei repairing them.

So keep in mind you don’t have to wait a full 2 weeks. I have found like Totentanz that about 9 days is the sweet spot, which is one full week plus a weekend.

What you suggest would probable work ok for strength gains however there are better ways of doing even that. So if hypertrophy is you primary goal then do an SD. I know that it sucks to just sit there and do nothing for 9 days but it really is worth it. Although it may not seem like it, it’s actually the most productive week of your cycle since it not only allows you adequate recovery after the 5s or post 5s but also primes your muscles for the next cycles growth.
Thanks for the answers guys. I guess I'll remain faithful to the SD and try 9 days instead of 14.

One time I only managed to do the two first workouts of a cycle, because I got sick afterwards - yet I saw some muscle gain immediately (definately not water weight). I guess i should listen to Grunt :)
What both Mr. T and the Dawg said!

Also remember that usually by around day 9 or so of SD there is a proliferation of satellite cells in your muscles. It’s the nuclei from theses satellite cells which get incorporated into your damaged muscles cells after a workout that allow them to grow beyond what they could with only a single nuclei repairing them.

So keep in mind you don’t have to wait a full 2 weeks. I have found like Totentanz that about 9 days is the sweet spot, which is one full week plus a weekend.

What you suggest would probable work ok for strength gains however there are better ways of doing even that. So if hypertrophy is you primary goal then do an SD. I know that it sucks to just sit there and do nothing for 9 days but it really is worth it. Although it may not seem like it, it’s actually the most productive week of your cycle since it not only allows you adequate recovery after the 5s or post 5s but also primes your muscles for the next cycles growth.

U say 9 days?? how is a full week + weekend 9 days? isn't that 7 days?
Say your last workout is on Friday. SD is Sat(1)/Sun(2)/Mon(3)/Tues(4)/Wed(5)/Thur(6)/Fri(7)/Sat(8)/Sun(9). Then you work out on Monday.
U say 9 days?? how is a full week + weekend 9 days? isn't that 7 days?

Sat + Sun + Mon + Tue + Wed + Thu + Fri = 1 “full” week = 7 Days.
Sat + Sun = 1 weekend = 2 days
1 week (7 days) + 1 weekend (2 days) = 9 days ;)

Looks like T beat me by a couple seconds.
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haha, now i get it. Well, HST is doing great for me now, i am noticeably "fuller" which is GREAT :O haha into my 2 week of 15s, the squats are killing me already. How does CNS drain feel like?
It's hard to put into words, but the best way to describe it is you feel zapped. It's normal to feel alittle tired, but I've found that overtraining tends to be a cumulative thing. It's very individual. Volume/intensity/frequency can all be manipulated to help you recover. I'm no expert by any means, but I can tell you from my experiences that you should watch for these warning signs

Feeling Weak
Lack of motivation to train
Loss of appetite

Don't know if there is a difference in CNS fatigue and overtraining or if they are one in the same. I'm sure this is just scratching the surface, but hope this helps.
You tend to feel less "pumped" as you progress due to the decline in reps over time. 15's definitely pump you up the most. In saying that, i'm usually pouring out sweat during my 3's as well. You just don't get the lactic acid buildup.
There is still overlap in the muscles being worked even though the exercises are the different. The body simply will adjust to the stimulus and the 2nd cycle won't be nearly as productive as it would had you SD'd.

As for skipping the 15's: I did this cycle and found out that I am burning out quicker at the end of this cycle. You get to the heavier weights faster, but your body can still only handle them for so long before it needs a break from training.

You mean u skip 15s and burned out quicker? or u do the 15s and u burned out quicker?