Alternating exercises between workouts


New Member
I have been doing HST for a little over 6 months now and I am currently reaching the end of my 3rd HST cycle.
I feel that my workouts are getting too long and exhausting and I'd like to shorten my workout sessions a little for my next cycles. I was wondering if there would be a problem alternating the following exercises between my workouts (I train 3 times a week: M/W/F).
Do you guys see a problem with that, since those pairs of exercises don't target exactly the same part of a muscle group? (Would it be an issue that the same exact exercise wouldn't get performed every 48 hrs?)

Weighted Chin-ups / Bent-over Rows
Inclined Dbell Press / Dips
Dbell Shoulder Press / Shrugs

If I switch to this approach, I will obviously be reducing the volume of my workouts a lot. Do you think that would alter my progress?
Thank you in advance for your help!
IMHO the first two couples target the same MG and can safely be mixed. The last ones are totally different, though. You've already worked your delts (and triceps) in the inclined press/dips, so the shoulder press could probably be replaced with squats or leg presses or crossed out altogether:

Weighted Chin-ups / Bent-over Rows
Inclined Dbell Press / Dips
Squats / Leg Press

I'd also add calf raises.
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Add sets to compensate for removing exercises.
The slight alteration in activation pattern will not be a problem. The targeted muscles will become stimulated by the mecanical strain anyhow, so don't worry about adhering to the chronic stimulation principle. Alternating exercises will do the trick.
I agree about doing lower body work before adding more shoulder work. But you decide.