Alternating Squats and Deads


Active Member
I had been doing 20 Max-Stim squats and 20 Max-Stim deadlifts three times a week as part of an am / pm split routine. I long since passed my 5Rm, and eventually began to experience both discomfort in my lower back and significant post workout fatigue. I am SDing now, and planning my next HST cycle. I have concluded that (as I was fairly warned...) doing both squats and deads in the same workout is a bit much.

My query: How should I augment the weight for each exercise if I alternate between squats and deads? Should I continue to increase the weight pf each by 5% of my 1RM, or should the augment be a bit more?
Wow you managed to get your original 5 RM, 20 reps? Impressive
! Your weight increment will probably depend a lot on how long your cycle runs for. Mine is an 8 week and I'm making 3% increments. And yes, alternate for sure. I don't see how you survived doing deads 3 times a week.