

New Member
Good day,

thinking about the program of my next cycle, I plan to alternate Squats with another leg exercise, and to do the same maybe with two upper body exercises.

As I take a look to the sample program below taken from the HST Faq book (11.2 Part 2 / Other; 15 RM), I am a bit baffled. Here is why.

I notice that, focusing on the Squats, alternating that way actually makes you switch from 125 lbs to 165 lbs; it is then supposed as far as I understand that the 145 lbs workout is "replaced" by the 235 Leg Press workout, and vice versa.

If one the HST key principles is progression, then why allowing to skip a workout on a specific exercise (i.e. Squats/Leg Press), although the other one is here to "ensure" the progression? Indeed, although Squats and Leg Press are designed for the same muscular zone, they are exercise that have their own technique and I then would like to understand why switching from 40 lbs instead of 20 lbs for the same exercise in that case is possible and recommended?

My concern is, as you may have understood, about the alternation concept.

Thank you in advance for your input!
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It doesn't matter.

Progression over the course of the cycle. That's all you gotta worry about. Don't get hung up in the minutiae.