Alternative to Deads and Squats


New Member
I've been having a bit of lower back pain lately that seems to be related to squats and deadlifts. I've got some flexibility issues that I think are causing me to round my lower back a bit at the extreme bottom of both exercises.

So I'm looking for alternatives that I can do on the next cycle while I work on flexibility. What do people think of one leg split squats as an alternative? I had been alternating deads and squats, but my thinking is to just do split squats each sessions with progressive load.
Try lowering the weight on the deadlifts and pay close attention to form and increase weight gradually while maintaining form. Regarding squats you could/should do the same or try some front squats which are easier on the lower back due to the posture required to do them.
You could do some stretching before you deadlift/squat. Could be a lower back strength issue too. Do you use the valsalva manuever? Got any videos?
I agree that dropping the load back a bit and working on form for squats and deads would be smart. That way you will still benefit from two great exercises. You could do some weighted hypers too for general erector strengthening and see how you get on.

My guess is that if you have been squatting 2 x weekly and deadlifting as well then your lower back just isn't getting enough time to recuperate between sessions. Electric's recommendation to try front squats is a great idea. You won't be able to use as much weight as you would in a back squat plus you will be much more upright during the movement. You will find that front squats put more strain on your upper thoracic spine than your lumbar region. So effectively your lower back gets a bit of a break. Also, if you were to alternate cleans with deads so that you only do deads every other week, that should help too.
idk if its much help, but ive noticed heavy corework helped alot.
front squats are the best choice really. Doing cleans is also an alternative to deadlifts. i know this will sound controversial; but wearing a belt for the time being might alleviate the stress on your lower back. Although, once your lower back feels better stop wearing a belt.