Alternatives to free weights

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Okay, I'm new here. I posted this over in the section on home workout equipment, but I think it would get a better response here in the general area.

I'm one of those "non-bodybuilder" types that understands that some bodybuilder programs can help in a fitness routine.
I work out chiefly because I have a very bad back from an injury in the military. Believe it or not, I ended up under a missile that fell off a hoist. If I keep the muscles in shape, it takes the stress off damaged tendons and ligaments allowing me to function.
Free weights are not an option. Been there, done that (multiple times under multiple programs and under the care of multiple physical therapists). Every time I ended up on serious meds and complete bed rest. One or two times I ended up in ICU.
This all gets down to the reason for this post. One piece of equipment I can use is the Total Gym. Not the one as seen on tv, but rather the one used by physical therapists. It supports my back as I work out. I'm going to make an HST routine that I can use on the Total Gym. Has anyone else done this for the TG or other like equipment?
Frank Reid
ive never heard of anyone doing this frank but i suppose if you can make the ressistance harder on this machine then why not..start on the lowest level do the 15s then go higher and do the 10s and so on after 8wks take an sd and start again...good luck :D