Alternatives to Squats and Deadlifts


New Member
After tearing ligaments in my back warming up deadlifting ten years ago I have recurring back pain whenever I incorporate squat or deadlift. No matter how light I go, within a few workouts I end up feeling like I pulled or strained something.

I have been using machine leg presses but I'd like to move back to free weights if possible. Has anyone had any success with alternate movements like hack squats, sumo deadlits, or anything like that? or would you reccomend I stick to machines? BTW even back extensions can cause this pain.
What about lunges? For me they are harder and I fall when I try them but they may work for you. I tried hack squats once and got hurt.

There is another alternative that seems to work well for some people, it may or may not work for you but is worth some consideration at least. Trap bar deadlifts. This movement is almost like a squat and deadlift combined.
Anyway the best will be to consult a doctor and to treat your back first, there is no joking around about it.
You don't want to to find yourself one morning not able to stand up...

If you are sure that you can stil work out your legs then try the "half squats".
This is done by many because it is considered safe and to be sure you don't go to "low" you can try it with a bench between your legs.