Dear Haiyai,
You might wish to include crude whey powder. See if you can get this from your local bakery supplies shop.
If possible, taking a fast-digesting protein a half hour before working will ensure saturation of amino acids in the bloodstream. This state of hyperaminoacidemia makes for much better muscle-building especially when combined with the increased perfusion of muscle when working out. The best protein for this is whey.
Crude whey powder should be quite cheap and you could possibly obtain this by the sackful for a few bucks a sack. Note though, that it can be high in lactose and possibly, fat, so ask if there is a low-fat/lactose version. Nowadays, even cake baking and whatnot recognizes the apparent value of not having fat or any possible allergens in their products.
Mix your crude whey with water in a blender. Drink this a half hour before working out and perhaps, after working out.
Meanwhile, do try to educate your mother. Perhaps, the baby needing baby-food analogy would do good. A baby could feed on baby formula (I shan't go into the evils of baby formulas now) but also, a body-builder needs such formula too. Tell her these supplements are but milk with the casein, fat and lactose removed, so it's low fat, and won't cause lactose intolerance or casein poisoning
Godspeed, and happy HSTing