am i overtraining biceps?


i just finished the 15s with my new routine. i'm alternating between two workouts. I just added in upright rows as a shoulder exercise for one of my workouts. During that same workout I'm doing barbell rows, pull-ups, and barbell curls. I'm worried it that workout might be a little too "pull" dominant and my biceps might get overworked. I'm currently doing curls each workout. Should I only do curls on one of the workout days to avoid overtraining my biceps? Here's my routine below.

Inc dbell bench
Barbell Rows
Wide grip upright rows
Close grip bench
Barbell curls

Chest Dips
Dumbbell shoulder press
Barbell Rows
Close grip bench
Barbell curls
You can keep them for now and time will tell you whether or not it's too much. You don't really need to do them because they will get plenty of work with the row/pullups, but it's hard not to want to do curls :)
One suggestion you might like is rather then doing pullups and bb rows each workout. Why not alternate them.

Workout A
BB Rows

Workout B

I've been using this formula and its been working well so far. As a result i can work the biceps every session without over training them, under the condition that i avoid pushing to fatigue on all sets though.
thanks guys for the advice. i decided to take upright rows out of my routine altogether. they were just messing to much with my shoulders and wrists. instead i'm gonna opt for what a did last cycle- a combination of lateral and rear delt raises.