Am I Overtraining?


New Member
Hello all,
I'm in the middle of my second HST cycle, and feel like I've been making good gains. My strength is up and my physique is definitely more muscular if not bigger. My goal is to add more mass for a bodybuilding contest next year, and so far HST has given me the gains that I’m looking for.  I'm in the 5's right now, and have been doing 1-2 sets of 1-3 exercises per bodypart. I've split my routine into am and pm workouts – Legs, chest, and triceps in the AM; Back, delts, and arms in the PM, and do this three times a week. This seems to be working for me, as I said I am able to add weight to every exercise each workout and keep the number of reps. My last reps are tough but not quite to failure. Right now, my protein is 300-350 g/day, not sure what my carbs and fat are, but I’m eating pretty cleanly six times a day. I’m 6’2, 205 (around 165 lean). I try to get about 40-50g each meal, including whey protein prior to training, and a high protein meal after.
I am concerned that I might be starting to overtrain. I’ve developed a few symptoms in the last few days that I think might be a signal. First, over the last three days, I’ve dropped a couple of pounds. Nothing much, but odd to me because a few days before that, I increased my carb intake somewhat, adding a couple servings of pasta a day. I’ve done a little more cardio after lifting than usual as well, but I’ve only had two 30-minute sessions on the elliptical trainer or treadmill.
Another symptom is my heartrate. Usually after lifting, I can go to the cardio machine and keep up a good pace with my rate in the cardio range (about 140 bpm). The last workout, I had to set the resistance of the machine to minimum, and move very slowly, just to keep it below 160.
Finally, and this is the most disturbing, is sleeplessness. I can normally get 6 hours of sleep, which is probably not quite enough, but last night had trouble sleeping at all. This morning, I had a great workout, and now after eating I’m hot even though it is a comfortable temp here. I think this means that my metabolism is elevated.
My questions are, do you think that I am overtraining, or is it possible that the recent change to my carb intake caused these symptoms? Should I not worry about it since I’m still making progress; cut back on carbs again and see what happens; or heed what could be a warning and begin SD now? Whaddya think?
Sorry for the long post, and thanks for all your help!
(NPC Excaliber 2006)
[/QUOTE]as I said I am able to add weight to every exercise each workout and keep the number of reps.
I think this is the most important statement of your post. If you are getting stronger each workout, you definitely are getting not overtraining.
It sounds to me that you are displaying some symptoms of elevated blood pressure. I don't think increasing your carb intake would make any significant changes in blood pressure though. Be aware of any other supplements or foods that contain things that might make your blood pressure rise like ephedra, caffeine, or any other stimulants. This also may explain your weight loss, restlessness, and sleeplessness. The fact that you always feel "hot" is probably also a sign of high blood pressure. The symptoms that you are displaying are also indications of someone who suffers from anxiety or depression, which may also be caused from a stressful lifestyle, heredity, diet, and especially if you are using ephedra, caffeine, etc. And to play it on the safe side I would see a doctor and see what he has to say.

Hope this helps

Although you did not mention it, th ehamma may be right.

Visiti your doctor for one, and if you are taking ephedra or caffeine containing supps, dop them and see what heppens next!

It does sound like high blood pressure, and anxiety symptoms specially if fealing uneasy and queasy and shaky!
Thanks guys. You might be right about the caffeine. I never take supps with either caffeine or ephedra, but I do likey the coffee, especially before training. With my PM workout starting around 4:30, I'll have an extra cup around 4. I'll cut that one out and see if this helps. As far as anxiety or stress, the only problems I have are finding ways to afford the food, protein, etc. to maintain the bodybuilding lifestyle. Blood pressure has never been an issue. I'm consistantly 120/80. What I think happened was I pushed it too hard on Mondays workouts, going to failure on a number of exercises, without enough rest the night before. I was a tad hungover too. Guess if I'm going to get serious about building a champion physique, I'll have to stick with non-alcoholic beverages when I'm out.
Yesterdays workouts were just short of failure, but I did maintain constant tension through the entire range on almost every rep, especiallly the negative. Slept better last night, tho not perfect, so I'm a little less concerned.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What I think happened was I pushed it too hard on Mondays workouts, going to failure on a number of exercises, without enough rest the night before.

Sorry but I am going to "knock you over the head on this one"  

HST & failure = big No, no

Rest in bodybuilding is a must, else you will get CNS burnout, no or bad recovery, and a crappy workout to boot

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I was a tad hungover too. Guess if I'm going to get serious about building a champion physique, I'll have to stick with non-alcoholic beverages when I'm out.

Yep, sorry to sound like a "boring coach or something like it"
, alcohol ain't gonna help you to get to the champs, if you happen to have a "babalaz"
 take it easy and recover completely before even attempting to go back to the gym, it is a lot more productive believe me.

So, Ok you don't need the doctor at all, the coffee is probably fine, doubt whether you'd grow sensitive to it, I am portuguese (which means I drink tons of the stuff), and only when I really overdo it do I get jittery (not a nice feeling).

I can see why you had the trouble getting it right, obviously the way you are training is not for the faint hearted
I used to do that at college, to kinda get rid of the babalaz.

Anyway - Just had to get in there mate, hope I did not offend, but I simply care enough not to let this one go by!