Am I Wimpy?


New Member
As I progress in my HST cycle, the weights will eventually get heavier and heavier. Since I don't have a spotter (and I really, really, really dislike interrupting people's workouts to grab them to spot me), would using machines and/or cables be a suitable and safe alternative?

Also, I am not going heavy on shoulders since most of the exercises hit shoulders this reasoning flawed?
A lot of the time I'll just ask the guys that work at the gym. But then again im friends with all the guys that work at the gym. I would just ask someone man, even though you really really hate it. I really dont mind at all when someone asks me to give them a spot. Neither should the people you ask.

Yea just go heavy on shoulders, go big or go home. Theres no reason to not train your shoulders as heavy as the rest of your body.
You should train shoulders just as heavy, but you don't need as many sets for shoulders since they get hit by a lot of other stuff. Of course, if they aren't growing, then you may need to increase the volume anyway.
I train alone and never use a spotter. I've been training long enough, I know my body. I know when I'm not going to go for another rep.

I agree on shoulders...just as heavy as the rest, but I only do one set for Military press or Arnold press.
I think you should ask for a spot. I gotta admit I am a bit bold about it. But guys don't mine. It is a great way to meet people at the gym. If you ask more serious lifters..chances are they will need a spot too. There are probably guys at the gym in your same shoes (want a spot but don't want to ask) If you take the initiative you will break the ice. The you will run into the real problem --- who knows how to spot -- I get frustrated with "over spotters"

Most exercises don't require a safety spotter and those that do (squats, benches, etc...) can be done with a power rack if you've got one available.

Otherwise, since HST doesn't require training to failure you ought to be able to get more comfortable without needing a spotter at all once you dial in your poundages and learn how to terminate a set prior to hitting failure. That comes with more experience and those of us who train alone get used to it. I have never had to do an "emergency dump" of the barbell while squatting.
I trained shoulders today using an Arnold Press and I couldn't get the 45's up (yes, I'm an ectomorph). I struggled to get 15 reps, finished, and then moved to machine shoulder press to finish my second set. *Sigh* I think 45 is my max on DB.
Why would you use db's? Use a BB for standing presses and when you hit your 5RM keep increasing the weight 5 lbs a workout and do push presses.

You can also use push and power presses to get the weight to lockout and then do neg's.