An idea of mine just looking for opinions


New Member
As I mentioned before I am on my fourth cycle and I am doing regular HST progression with AM/PM splits.

I was wondering I read somewhere that working out like every third day is better for gains as the body has more 'rest time'.

Or working out full body Twice a week(Mon/Thurs).

Any opinions on this?
I am not going to change anything now but maybe my 5th cycle.
I think a lot of it depends on your volume per workout. I've always heard that 48 hours is the time you need to take between workouts as long as you are not doing some way overdrawn workout. That is why I prefer M-W-F.

But in your case, I've never done full body in one day. I would only think that Monday-Thursday would be good simply because you are exerting twice as much energy as me in a day, so taking an extra day to rest only seems logical.
I'm thinking that AM/PM in the same day is not much different than fullbody in one session, since your day's total workload is the same, except that when splitting, you lose some exhaustion that comes at the end of a fullbody workout and may be able to do more in the split.
As a 53 yr. old, I was doing every other day fullbody and it didn't bother me much. I saw diminishing gains around the 6th to 7th cycles and switched up to 5x5 for a cycle.
Gator had a good point: excessive workload would require more rest, but that's probably only true depending on the individual. We all have different recovery rates it seems.
Now that I'm working 60+ hrs. a week, I'm needing DAYS of rest between workouts. You have to consider your other activities as well.
That is exactly my routine, full body Mon/Thurs, does give one the extra rest, I did it out of need but it is working out fine for me!
if you do HST as its supposed to be done then the fatigue management is already there,submax-weights,zigzaging,SD,etc
(UFGatorDude30 @ May 30 2007,08:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think a lot of it depends on your volume per workout.  I've always heard that 48 hours is the time you need to take between workouts as long as you are not doing some way overdrawn workout.  That is why I prefer M-W-F.

But in your case, I've never done full body in one day.  I would only think that Monday-Thursday would be good simply because you are exerting twice as much energy as me in a day, so taking an extra day to rest only seems logical.</div>
Ha, reread my comment and actually, I do fullbody everytime I workout! lol... I meant to say, I've never split full body within one day. It was like 8 in the morning at work