Another back after long lay off post...

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Back after around 4 year lay off. Was in good lean shape, now not so. But not too bad. Aiming to get lean, bulk up a little (not a lot).

Incline dumbell press (2 sets)
Dips (1 set)
Wide grip pull ups (1)
Narrow grip pull ups (1)
Shoulder press (2)
Lat Flyes (1)
Hammer Curls (1)
Tricep rope (1)

So thats my routine, no legs - previously I used to do Leg Press and SLDL but tbh I dont want to do legs because I'm running a fair but and I dont want big legs anyway.

Seems ok?

Looks good. I assume you are following the HST program with 2 weeks cycles of progression, etc.

Figure out your main goal for bodymass. Do you want to lose fat first or build muscle first? If you want to lose some fat, then watch your calories. If you want to add muscle, then up the calories slightly. If you want to get leaner, keep protein intake high and fat and carb intake moderate. If you want to add muscle, then take in plenty of protein and everything without going overboard.

Diet is more than half the battle of bodybuilding/ shaping.
Also maybe do one movement for legs, just maintain some decent muscle. Maybe a couple sets of squats or lunges. It won't take long and it will give your lower body some muscle stimulation too, even if that is not your main goal.
Thanks, thats really useful. Maybe I could just add a couple of sets of leg press once I get to 10's.

Yes, I'm following standard progressions, 15, 10, 5. Normally I'd do drops after too but this cycle will have to end with the 5's (Holiday).

Bodymass goal is really to get leaner so I'll be adjusting diet and trying to eat a bit better and certainly more protein, less carbs/fat. I'm past the stage of getting anal about it but train about lunch time (breakfast is just toast and coffee), protein shake after training, healthy lunch (eg chicken + lentils) and healthy low carb dinner (fish and veg). Try to cut back on the beers/wine too - night duty with young baby helps in that regard!
nice to see both you and sci muscle back
IMO drop the curls and add a horizontal pull like bent-over-rows.

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