Another newb routine check

looks ok but your starting weights look a little to could start higher and double up ie instead of this
do this
good luck
How about now should I do that for my 10RM?

And can you guys give me some advice on sets?

Im thinking 2 for 15s and 10 and then 2 for the first 3-4 of 5s
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How about now should I do that for my 10RM?</div>
cant see why not
<div></div><div id="CODEHEAD">CODE</div><div id="CODE">Im thinking 2 for 15s and 10 and then 2 for the first 3-4 of 5s</div>
i would do 3x5s or even 4x5s on the 7th 8th wks if you cant add any weight.
Welcome ballsout

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And can you guys give me some advice on sets? Im thinking 2 for 15s and 10 and then 2 for the first 3-4 of 5s </div>

I'd agree with that if you split the routine into A/B else it will get too much, then you could even go 2 x 15/3 x 10/6 x 5, although this is a little balls to the wall type approach, the more conservative approach would be 1 x 15/1.5 or 2 x 10/3 x 5.

I also noticed that your zigzag is a bit too deep, do not go beyong two workouts back in terms of loads, maximum three but that is unnecessary (some may disagree though).

Okay I think I fixed the deep zigzag problem.

About sets 6 sets of 5 even when I get up to my 5RM? Im at college and have no problem with access to food/gym time so I think I will be able to go extreme with the program.

But I do have a tendency to over train or undereat, I think I worked out that problem in tri-phase though.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">But I do have a tendency to over train or undereat, I think I worked out that problem in tri-phase though. </div>

Its ok as long as you listen to your body, hopefully you know the signs of overtraining?