another way to arrange sets?


New Member
A typical HST wo may consist of DL, BP, Rows, MilitaryPress, Shrugs, BB Curls, Triceps Extentions and executed like this, with about 2 minute rest between sets:

DL (2 sets)
BP (2 sets)
Rows (2 sets)
MilitaryPress (2 sets)
Shrugs (2 sets)
BB Curls (2 sets)
Triceps Extentions (2 sets)

I prefer to arrange it like this, with about 1 minute rest between sets of different exercises. This way I rest more and I reduce the length of the wo:
DL (2 sets)

BP (1 set)
Rows (1 set)
BP (1 set)
Rows (1 set)

MilitaryPress (1 set)
Shrugs (1 set)
MilitaryPress (1 set)
Shrugs (1 set)

BB Curls (1 set)
Triceps Extentions (1 set)
BB Curls (1 set)
Triceps Extentions (1 set)

Why not give even more rest for each particular exercise? Why not execute it as fresh as possible? HST nowhere says about the benefit of exercising a muscle while already fatigued. So I could do it like this?

DL (1 set)
BP (1 set)
Rows (1 set)
MilitaryPress (1 set)
Shrugs (1 set)
BB Curls (1 set)
Triceps Extentions (1 set)
DL (1 set)
BP (1 set)
Rows (1 set)
MilitaryPress (1 set)
Shrugs (1 set)
BB Curls (1 set)
Triceps Extentions (1 set)

This is not very practical because by the time you go back to a station, somebody else may have occupied it. But if it could be done, is it a better way?
Hmmmm...I have a home gym and looking at this it looks like a good idea - max stim uses a similar principle (no fatigue, or at least managed fatigue) but I see another problem with it. You'll need TWO bars loaded simultaneously along with a host of other equipment available and ready, so you'll need to be a very big dog to keep the puppies at bay or just stink very badly.
With your second example, I can see adding weight to the bar for the second sets, since you've had a break, kept your warmup and neural "alignment" for lack of a better word.
With your third example, I couldn't add to the bar much since it's too much time between sets. That equates to less tonnage in the workout. The exception to this in your choice of exersizes is that you're working your tri's really hard (3 exersizes) and they're going to stay hot. But accumulate fatigue as well. I'd skip the extensions.
Bobpit, you are correct in that HST does not care about rest between sets. Rest between sets does not matter at all. I prefer more rest between sets because I am stronger for the next set. Assuming I use sets at the time.
Anyway, if you have enough time for your workout, you can rest as much as you want.
So I guess this is a good method, but impractical to implement.


I am sorry, what do you mean "I can see adding weight to the bar for the second sets"? Both DL sets are with the same weight. Both BP sets are with the same weight, etc etc.
In the second example (I train like this), I have to prepare 2 stations (bars, machines) for BP, rows. Then 2 stations for MP, Shrugs.

In the third example I have to prepare all stations for all the exercises. The machines are easy, you just need to find them free.
(quadancer @ May 26 2007,09:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">you're working your tri's really hard (3 exersizes) and they're going to stay hot. But accumulate fatigue as well. I'd skip the extensions.</div>
You mean BenchPress, MilitaryPress and Tricep Extentions.

This is my program:

Squat OR DeadLift
Bench Press OR Dips+weight
Added Fly machine at the 5s
Cable Rows OR [CloseGrip PullDowns or Chinups+weight]
BB Military Press OR DB Military Press
Overhead Shrugs
BB Curl (back to wall) OR Preecher DB Curl
Tri French Ext OR Tri Cable Ext

I had good results from my first HST cycle. Added 2,5 cm (1 inch) to my arms. Actually my max ever was 42 cm for right bicep on Christmas. Then it went down to 40 cm. After this 1st HST cycle it went up to 42,5 cm. I consider this a big success. Added 2 Kgr of body weight with minimal waist increase (fat). Unfortunately I had to stop after the 2 weeks of 5s.
(quadancer @ May 26 2007,09:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Tot, what do you mean &quot;assuming I use sets&quot;? Do you mean you're clustering or MS for your total reps?</div>
Yes, that's what I mean.
What I said still stands, Bob. You're doing 3 sets for tri's, and if that works for you, it's a good thing regardless. I was just regarding your experimental idea and the fatigue factor.
Why did you have to quit after just two weeks of fives?
BP (1 set)
Rows (1 set)
BP (1 set)
Rows (1 set)
this one looks

but the problem with this one is after doing the lot in one go and isos the bis and tris might be to fatigued to do bench and deads etc for the 2nd set.
DL (1 set)
BP (1 set)
Rows (1 set)
MilitaryPress (1 set)
Shrugs (1 set)
BB Curls (1 set)
Triceps Extentions (1 set)
Maybe then do it like this?

DL (1 set)
BP (1 set)
Rows (1 set)
MilitaryPress (1 set)
Shrugs (1 set)

DL (1 set)
BP (1 set)
Rows (1 set)
MilitaryPress (1 set)
Shrugs (1 set)

BB Curls (1 set)
Triceps Extentions (1 set)
BB Curls (1 set)
Triceps Extentions (1 set)