Another what split to go for question


New Member

:confused: In my post 5s again and again running out of fuel before completing my whole workout. So will try to split my workout. I am planning to workout out 4 times/week
What split have you used and how did it work for you?
I guess the traditional would be to go for Choice A:
Workout 1. Chest/Shoulders/Triceps workout 2. Back/Biceps/traps

An alternative would be to go for Choice B Workout 1. Chest/Shoulders/Biceps Workout 2. Back/triceps/traps

I guess choice B would have the arms worked more every workout. Thinking if that will lead to over training or increased growth... In A I would give either my triceps or biceps a bit of rest in between. In the past I have had problems to stay with heavy weights in the end of my cycle and haven't upped my weights to much lately either so I want to try something new...
If anybody has any input and experience in the matter it would be appreciated.


thank you for asking. Truth is that I am not doing legs....I do respect my legs and all and I do have a leg extension on my home gym bech that might incorporate and I could always do dumbbell calf raises in my stairs. But now is in the middle of coldest winter in Japan and I do get some joint issues in knees etc..from my daily walking of a little over 5km commuting to work etc...and aero bike cardio for about 45 minutes twice a week. My legs do stay at least as well developed as my upper body though. Probably more geenetic talent fo legs than for upper body.
I will throw in abs here and there as well. Anyhow today I will try the A approach consisting of:

Dumbbell chest press, Dumbbell flyes, Dumbbell shoulder press and Lateral side raises Triceps rope push downs and ab cruches on a declined bench.

I know that I lack some of the great compound movements such as pull ups/chins dips etc...but I get by with what I have in my home gym. My B program will be:

Straight arm pull downs followed by Close grip pulldowns a lat combo inspired by Mike Mentzer. Cable rows Dumbbell curls and Dumbbell shrugs.

I might try and switch around isolation biceps and triceps work later.
I have some occasional lower back issues but I do some hyper extensions when I feel good
I have some occasional issues with lower back but I do some hyper extensions when I feel good
This split is for my post 5s or my post 8s as it is for this cycle. I still think that I will do all of this in one workout in earlier stages of my next cycle. But I will try and see how I feel about things.

Peace and steel
I don't know why you would pair triceps with back and biceps with chest, so scrap that one. A good split, if you are ignoring lower body, is:
A. Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
B. Biceps/Back Width/Back Thickness
Basically the first one you were considering.
Thank you for reply,

I will take your advice, and it was what I was thinking as well, the idea with other pairing would have been to work the arms more often.

Hi again,
I am thinking if a split would be preferable to doing all upper body 3 times/week. If I will be doing the split I will only work each muscle twice a week but I might have a little bit more energy to put focus into each session. What I think would be good is to do full upper body 3 times/week in the beginning of the cycles when things are light and towards the end split the workout up.
If I was to a split all the way through would you recommend to go through each rep scheme in 2 weeks? Meaning only 4 workouts for the 15s or should I prolong the time period into 3 weeks and get 6 workouts done? At the moment I am leaning towards going through the 15s and the other rep ranges as well in 2 weeks. So far only speculating in my head what might work the best...

Peace & Steel

A. Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
B. Biceps/Back Width/Back Thickness/Traps