Any harm in extending SD for an additional week?


New Member
Hello! I have been using HST for just under a year with great success. Recently, however, I have developed what I think is tendonitis in both forearms. Because of the pain, I have been unable to perform any chins, rows or curls for about a month. I am also experiencing some slight knee and back pain. I guess I am getting old! I am in the middle of an SD week now and I have started feeling better, but I am not fully recovered. My knee seems to be healing and the pain is slowly fading in my back. My forearms have improved a good bit, but they still ache just from making a fist. Would you guys take another week off for good measure? Or, do you think that the two weeks of 15s using light weights, beginning next week, will be enough of a "rehab"? Thanks!
I think the quote "weightlifting is a marathon not a sprint" is something useful to keep in mind, if you need some extra rest to get your body in order take it.

The recommended SD period is 1-2 weeks so don't be too concerned about taking another week.

15's can help with pain in joints but you might also want to try keeping the weights really light and pushing the reps higher.

Also you may want to look at your exercise selection and possibly your technique, and try to establish why you are having the problems.
I think the quote "weightlifting is a marathon not a sprint" is something useful to keep in mind, if you need some extra rest to get your body in order take it. The recommended SD period is 1-2 weeks so don't be too concerned about taking another week. 15's can help with pain in joints but you might also want to try keeping the weights really light and pushing the reps higher. Also you may want to look at your exercise selection and possibly your technique, and try to establish why you are having the problems.

Thank you for the quick reply. I will definitely take another week. I felt that it might be the best thing to do, but I just needed an little confirmation. :)
Yes, I do plan to keep the weights very light for the 15s. I usually do 2 sets per exercise during the 15s, but this time around I will only do one set. I believe that the forearm issue came about from going too heavy on T-bar rows and possibly curls. The knee issue started when I was using a particular leg press machine, which I stopped using this past cycle and started with squats again. I believe the back issues are just my body adjusting to the squats. I consciously eased back into those, but it still aches...especially later in the day.
I currently perform 2 exercises per body part except for my lagging chest, which gets 3 exercises. I will be eliminating all iso's except for side laterals for the shoulders this next cycle, per the Simplify and Win thread.

Thanks again for the advice!
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