Any HST'ers in New Zealand?


HST Expert
Hi All

Is there any HSt'ers in New Zealand I could mix up with?

I am immigrating early Feb and would like to some worthy company, besides I have no family or friends something like an HST mate would be nearest to a best friend!

If may pm me or contact me at (til December 2007) or @, alternative

I am planning to live in Auckland unless work takes me elsewhere.
What's this -- leaving sunny South Africa for mountainous New Zealand...? That's gonna be a major league lifestyle change!

Best of luck with your move, Fausto. New Zealand is a beautiful place.
You from there Tunnel?

Yeah, I know major league indeed, Company not too happy about loosing me either, my cheese has been moved, and I am going after it!
(Fausto @ Sep. 25 2007,09:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You from there Tunnel? cheese has been moved, and I am going after it!</div>
Nope, but I've passed through the area in my travels. It is a beautiful place, sort of like an idyllic Australia...

But be careful with that cheese!

I have thought about emigrating to NZ or Oz. Several of my pals have done so and are happy with their decision. Some of those Maoris in NZ are pretty darn large, so no doubt you will find a good lifting partner, HST or otherwise. All the best with your plans.
Thanks Lol, always great to have someone support one's tough decisions.

From what I have seen, it looks like we can be a happy family, SA is just getting a bit much lately besides gotta look at the future of my kids with affirmative action and all being the norm just doesn't look rosy!
(Fausto @ Sep. 26 2007,01:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">SA is just getting a bit much lately besides gotta look at the future of my kids with affirmative action and all being the norm just doesn't look rosy!</div>
I wasn't going to touch that, but the recent changes in South Africa would seem to make it much less hospitable for children and other growing things.

New Zealand also has a British cultural tradition, but the relationship with the Maoris is very different from what has resulted in SA. I would think that you could make this move and have no regrets whatever.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I would think that you could make this move and have no regrets whatever. </div>

So far the only "horror" story I know of, was of a lawyer who immigrated without getting himself registered in the appropriate bar, resulting in him being unable to practice law, ended up as a cop doing the beat and very unhappy. mostly his fault if you ask me.

Everyone else I have asked directly or know about are happy and wouldnot bother to return.
more of a motivator for me...this is going to take me alittle further from my family but..I may be able to visit the more often from there, ironic but true!
I am sorry, so very sorry.


tsk tsk

but you will find plenty of good gym there, don't know of any other HST'rs here, but there are plenty of great big powerlifters, and olympic weightlifters up there.

there is a pretty solid south african community in Auckland (and around NZ in general). You may find the culture thing interesting.
(Aaron_F @ Sep. 27 2007,11:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">but you will find plenty of good gym there, don't know of any other HST'rs here, but there are plenty of great big powerlifters, and olympic weightlifters up there.

there is a pretty solid south african community in Auckland (and around NZ in general).  You may find the culture thing interesting.</div>

Thanks Aaron sounds like a plan, and yeah I know the Maoris are real big people, shame on only a kort kak (afrikaans term for short s..t), but I'll get along I'm sure.