Any news on progressive stretch overload or muscle fascia stretching?


New Member
Has anyone come across any more articles suggesting the usage of progressive stretch overload? For those not familiar, stretch overload involves stretching a muscle belly whilst under resistance and, therefore, muscle tension.

Also, would this form of stretch be better toward loosening the muscle fascia, or passive stretch immediately after lifting for body parts? Any of these preferable toward creating skeletal muscle hyperplasia?
I read that arnold did used stretch overload for his chest and biceps, he´d do dumbbell flys and then when the set is done, he'd lower the weight for a good stretch and hold for 30 seconds
yes, doggcrapp uses this...

i'm training using in a "light doggcrapp fashion" in this period (2 sets of myo reps instead the rest-pause to failure) and using loaded stretches.

it seems the workout real good; but i can't say if is due to stretching itself
If you're down for a very "heady" (i.e. complicated) read, check this out:

At the very beginning of the ebook, it says to not even bother reading it unless you have already done 2 complete HST cycles, but its good info all the same. I'm not saying I understand it yet, but it is a very comprehensive "how to hack" HST.

Give it a read, maybe you'll get some of the info you're looking for.
Fascia stretching is pointless. The fascia will always be tight against the muscle no matter what. Have you ever gutted an animal? If so, you'll have an idea of why fascia stretching is useless.