Anyone combining HRV technology with their HST routine?


New Member
What are your thoughts on HRV technology?

Has anyone combined HRV with HST and how do you adjust your training based on HRV readings?

I'm currently not training (feeling overtrained, burnt-out) but will begin training again soon with HST + HRV.

I ordered HRV from Ithlete and will check that out soon and let you know about it. Seems like its the least expensive of the options.
Due to the progressive load required by HST, you would not want to adjust the loads used downward regardless of what your HRV reading is. You could probably adjust volume downward though. I don't think you need something like this to determine when you need to reduce volume though, anyone with a decent amount of training experience should be able to judge when they aren't at 100% and when they are.
Thanks, I intent to regulate volume, I will stick with 2 sets per exercise and adjust to only 1 set if my readings go low + work on recovery. I'm not very good judging my condition, i'm used to push myself even when fatigued and that has gotten me into problems more than once in the past.
Quite frankly, I have no idea if HRV is a good way to gauge recovery or not. It would seem that there are so many variables that could impact the readings that I would think it could easily be misread. For example, a fight with the wife might disrupt the rhythm and indicate that you should not workout. Is that valid or not? I usually find that to be a good time to workout. It soothes me, gets rid of aggressions and I sometimes set PR's! :rolleyes: It will be interesting to see if this is proven as valid or not. I would appreciate your thoughts on it once you have some experience with it.