Anyone else have this happen?


New Member
I posted a few days ago about being in the negs and having my elbows and shouders hurting big time, I even considered doing an early SD. But I lifted yesterday (on 48hours rest) but my joints were killing me, so I went back and used my 10 and 15 rep maxes. But by the end of the workout, my joints were loose and feeling much better. Now today I am 95% pain free.

Could there have been some kind of acid build up that working out helped get rid of?
I'm not sure why this happens but there is an article somewhere on the website (either in articles or the faq) about doing metabolic sets (that build up latic acid) actually help healing and recovery. Maybe because of improved circulation? I don't know. But thanks for reporting that at least anyone with the same problem will know what to do.

What are your plans now, continue with negs with metabolic sets or SD?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Maybe because of improved circulation? I don't know.</div>

Peak you right on the money! Joints have the lowest circulation and availability of blood supply, hence, high rep work = better circulation = healing (removal of toxins, yadayadayada)
Lactic acid has long been documented to help in joint recovery. It's amazing that only HST as far as I remember recommends it, and other bodybuilding methods/techniques/dogmas (or whatever you call them) don't mention it at all.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lactic acid has long been documented to help in joint recovery.</div>

That my friend, is why HST stands out amongst other things, see older people joining up and loving every minute of it.

The youngsters of course get the benefit of starting up pain free...injury free...what can I best thing to BB heaven!
That is why it MAY be better to do 15, 10 and 5 reps EACH week as Chad Waterbury, Adam Cambell, Alwyn Cosgrove and several others have suggested. This could mean less muscle adaptation and constant rejuvenation of the joints. In fact, I am switching up my program beginning Monday to try this out. I think it will mean longer cycles, using heavier weights and less chance of joint problems.
Then again, it may end up being just a distraction from what has worked for me in the past.
Only experimentation will tell.
(Old and Grey @ Sep. 22 2006,16:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That is why it MAY be better to do 15, 10 and 5 reps EACH week as Chad Waterbury, Adam Cambell, Alwyn Cosgrove and several others have suggested.</div>
I've read a couple of articles about periodisation using 15, 5 then 10 reps in the same week.

The thing is they have'nt mentioned weight progression.

I was thinking of setting up a six week cycle using the same weight proggression as my HST cycle.

So the first week I would use the lightest weights of each rep range then each week would increase untill reaching the last week using my max weight for each rep range.

Then spend the next two or more weeks trying to progress further.

If anyone knows if this method would work or is there a specific way of weight progression?



I have not seen weight progression discussed in any articles either and consider a weakness that need to be addressed. My plan is to start at about 80% of my max and progress up from there weekly. In a normal HST cycle, I start at 60% of my estimated max. I am aiming to hit my maxes in week 4 and keep at that weight until I feel the need to increase weight or SD.
O &amp; G,

Are you planning to do the same # of reps each day (i.e. 2X15, 3X10, 6X5) or do fewer sets on your 5's day?  Keep us posted on how your cycle goes.

I have actually experimented lately w/ doing 2 sets of 10's then raising the weight to my 5's weight and doing 1 set of 5 in the same workout.  I've only done this for 1 week, so I can't speak about results, but I do enjoy going heavier for 1 set after the 10's.  I think I could probably use a somewhat heavier weight if I were only doing 5's, but it is a relative increase anyhow.
(Old and Grey @ Sep. 22 2006,11:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That is why it MAY be better to do 15, 10 and 5 reps EACH week as Chad Waterbury, Adam Cambell, Alwyn Cosgrove and several others have suggested. This could mean less muscle adaptation and constant rejuvenation of the joints. In fact, I am switching up my program beginning Monday to try this out. I think it will mean longer cycles, using heavier weights and less chance of joint problems.
Then again, it may end up being just a distraction from what has worked for me in the past.
Only experimentation will tell.
Hey O &amp; G,
I did this after my first cycle. There is a thread somewhere (I have searched &amp; can't find) that I made. It was a way for me to extend my post 5's. It worked great in the sense of less joint pain on Fridays which was my 5's day. I was doing my max weight for each day (M,W,F) where M-15's, W-10's, F-5's. I didn't gain anymore size, but got continually stronger each week.
I don't know what would have happened if I had started this type of program using progression after an SD though.

PS, If anyone finds my old thread, pls post a link in this thread. It had some good info in it

My current plan is to do 2 sets of 15's, 3 sets of 10's and 4 sets of 5's using 5 exercises and alternating weekly between two push/pull workouts plus legs. I will post what i am going to do over the weekend.

I may rethink it and do 1 set of 15's, 2 sets of 10's and 3 sets of 5's but I am not sure that that will provide enough TUT. This could very easily evolve into a Max Stim type workout also which would eliminate the TUT question although it then complicates my ideas on supersetting to shorten workout time. Gotta think through it.
Today I did my regular neg workout and I felt fine.

Maybe doing a single metabolic workout during the negs is the ticket for avoiding joint pain thus allowing someone to extend the negs.