Anyone ever use Scott Abel routines?


New Member
Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone has ever used routines from Scott Abel. He is a bodybuilding coach that has coached many natural bb champs. He's all about the pump and high volume, and what he calls "metabolic hypertrophy."

Just curious about any results anyone's had if they've used his methods.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">He's all about the pump and high volume, and what he calls &quot;metabolic hypertrophy.&quot;</div>
Hey HJock, no offense meant, but that sounds retarded.

I just checked out Mr. Abel's website (here). He obviously has plenty of training experience; he's put in the time and effort (and evidently plenty of juice when he was a competitive bber) and he's probably a great trainer.

However, if all you want to do is build some muscle and set yourself up with an effective lifting/training program, you could do worse than read the articles and FAQs on this site, the various articles by Lyle McDonald over on Check out Madcow's 5x5 too.

If you just want some great metcon routines, head on over to the Crossfit site.

There's plenty of really good, non-retarded training advice freely available on the web, but there's a lot of bs too. The more you read and learn, the more you will be able to filter out the good stuff.