anyone try a 12, 9, 6 rep scheme with success?


just wondering if anyone's used a 12,9,6 rep scheme or something like unto it instead of the usual 15,10,5 and had good success. i'm about to complete my 4th cycle and am thinking about trying out a 15,12,9,6 or 12,9,6,3 rep scheme next cycle with hst principles. Is it worth the risk or should i just stick with the usual? thanks guys
I'm thinking about a 12-8-4 cycle since 12 & 8 reps are the typical max/min number of reps for hypertrophy. 2 working sets of 12, 3 of 8, and 5-6 of 4.
Nothing magical about the number of reps. Reps are just a way to organize your workout and accommodate the increasing loads. You really won't see any difference doing those suggested rep schemes but use them if you want a change.
Keep your eye on progressive resistance and doing enough volume at each workout and you won't go far astray.
Nothing magical about the number of reps. Reps are just a way to organize your workout and accommodate the increasing loads. You really won't see any difference doing those suggested rep schemes but use them if you want a change.
Keep your eye on progressive resistance and doing enough volume at each workout and you won't go far astray.
