Appetite increase


New Member
I have noticed a big increase in my appetite since starting this program. Has anyone else noticed this? I'm getting 3000-3500 cals a day and 200-250grams of protein. Is that enough?
I'm 37, 6'2", 212lbs, 16-17% bf.
Growing muscles need nutrients, hence the hunger!

You're getting enough kcal's. Just make sure you get at least 200g's of protein. The rule of thumb is one gram per pound of LBM.
Total cal doesnt matter. What does matter is making sure you are gaining weight (up to 1lb/wk), getting enough protein, and getting enough good fats (plenty of w-3 and a good mix of poly, mono, and natural sat fat.)

1lb/wk for me ends up at about 3500cal when I am at 190lbs. You should probably be eating what Tot said at the minimum.
As said, it's an individual thing. Personally, I eat 3400cal per day with 190-210g protein (and I'm 5'11" and 140lb!). That's given me a steady 1lb/week for the last 8 weeks. But I've noticed my weight is starting to plateau, so I'll need to adjust my diet accordingly.

Weigh yourself every morning for 1 or 2 weeks (I like to graph it, since i'm a visual person). It's pretty easy to tell if you need to eat more/less/same.