Are lowerbody exercises essential for this program to work?


New Member
In my introduction i stated why i've decided to start this(stress fractures in both legs) but im curious as to will i get good results without being able to squat/deadlift?

my excercises are

flat bench, dumbbell flies
Pullups(15's are unweighted. 10's and 5's are weighted), seated rows(machine)
Dumbbell Curls, Hammer Curls
Skull Crushers, tricep pushdown(machine)
SHoulder Press, Military Press

Incline Bench/Cable X-over(machine)
Bent Over Rows/Seated Rows(machine)
Chinups(same as pullups)/Barbell Curls
Standing Tricep Extentions
Lateral Raises

The Machine excercises are kinda harder to do this routine with. What do you suggest I do with them?
Will you be able to do legs later? I don't think a few cycles of only upper body will make you look totally unproportionate and funny. Remember though, no one wants chicken legs so try to make the best of your situation. If the stress fractures allow some easy machine work, make sure to do it. No excuses, only adaption.
I asked about lower body because I've read that doing squats/deadlifts(working your legs) promotes hypertrophy throughout your entire body. Another message board I visited would use the term "Shutup and squat" to represent this.

I will be doing leg exercises eventually lol. I kinda like chicken legs. When I use to work my legs they got to the point where I was no longer able to make my thumbs and middle fingers meet if i tried to wrap them around my thighs. I didnt like that.

If I worked my legs would it decrease my runtime due to more muscle mass, better performance or lower it due to more weight to be carried? I know when I took creatine it made my run time worse.