Are my HST Program excersises correct?


New Member
Hey Ive started HST today and i enjoyed the workout alot, because its different to what i would normally do.

Anyway Here is the excersises I am doing, are these suitable?

I am rotating Workout A/B

Workout A

Squats - 1 warm up set / 2 working sets
Deadlift - 2 working sets
Flat bench press - 2 working sets
Dips - 1 working set
Wide Grip pull down - 2 working sets
Bent over Row - 2 working sets
Military press - 2 working sets
DB lateral raise - 2 working sets
DB Curls - 2 working sets
DB tricep extentions - 2 working sets
Calf Raises - 2 working sets
Crunches - 2 working sets

Workout B

Squats - 1 warm up set / 2 working sets
Stiff Legged Deadlift - 1 working sets
Incline bench press - 2 working sets
Dips - 1 working set
Wide Grip pull down - 2 working sets
Bent over Row - 2 working sets
Military press - 2 working sets
Bent over DB lateral raise - 2 working sets
BB Curls - 2 working sets
Skull crushers - 2 working sets
Calf Raises - 2 working sets
Crunches - 2 working sets

I know i should be putting in Pull ups, but im too weak - most i can do it about 3.
Hey Ive started HST today and i enjoyed the workout alot, because its different to what i would normally do.

Anyway Here is the excersises I am doing, are these suitable?

I am rotating Workout A/B

Workout A

Squats - 1 warm up set / 2 working sets
Deadlift - 2 working sets
Flat bench press - 2 working sets
Dips - 1 working set
Wide Grip pull down - 2 working sets
Bent over Row - 2 working sets
Military press - 2 working sets
DB lateral raise - 2 working sets
DB Curls - 2 working sets
DB tricep extentions - 2 working sets
Calf Raises - 2 working sets
Crunches - 2 working sets

Workout B

Squats - 1 warm up set / 2 working sets
Stiff Legged Deadlift - 1 working sets
Incline bench press - 2 working sets
Dips - 1 working set
Wide Grip pull down - 2 working sets
Bent over Row - 2 working sets
Military press - 2 working sets
Bent over DB lateral raise - 2 working sets
BB Curls - 2 working sets
Skull crushers - 2 working sets
Calf Raises - 2 working sets
Crunches - 2 working sets

I know i should be putting in Pull ups, but im too weak - most i can do it about 3.

Those exercises are commonly used for HST. But people don't usually try to take on so many exercises. I don't know how long that will take you during the 15s, but it will probably take close to twice as long once you get towards the end.

I'd alternate squats and deads and then cut the rest down to 8 exercises or less per session. And then I'd still cut some of those as I reached the heavy stuff. Build the core of your program around the major compound exercises. Isolations are good for the lighter phases, but... you aren't going to go super heavy on skullcrushers unless you want to potentially crush your skull for real - for example.
Those exercises are commonly used for HST. But people don't usually try to take on so many exercises. I don't know how long that will take you during the 15s, but it will probably take close to twice as long once you get towards the end.

I'd alternate squats and deads and then cut the rest down to 8 exercises or less per session. And then I'd still cut some of those as I reached the heavy stuff. Build the core of your program around the major compound exercises. Isolations are good for the lighter phases, but... you aren't going to go super heavy on skullcrushers unless you want to potentially crush your skull for real - for example.

Yeah it took me exactly 1 hour yesterday to do workout A on 15s. Thing is i like working with high volumes, i feel i get a better pump. even though the volume is high im still not feeling sore today. Maybe when i get to 5s i'll drop out some of the isolation excersises?
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i would take military press for both routines, looks too heavy for shoulders, and as whistledixie said it looks like there are too many exercises on each routine, take a look at simplify and win sticky from fausto
Yeah it took me exactly 1 hour yesterday to do workout A on 15s. Thing is i like working with high volumes, i feel i get a better pump. even though the volume is high im still not feeling sore today. Maybe when i get to 5s i'll drop out some of the isolation excersises?

If the first workout of the program (the workout with the lightest loads) took you an hour, you can count on the sessions getting longer and longer each time.

If you can handle that, cool. Some like high volume and can keep it up. Some can't - that will be up to you. I like high volume when the weight is still somewhat light. I like that pump. For me, recovery from high volume like that is only part of the equation. I have too many responsibilities right now outside the gym and can't dedicate more than an hour - maybe 90 minutes on occasion - per session 3x a week.

Since this is your first HST cycle, don't commit necessarily to a concrete plan for the whole 8 weeks. Keep an eye on your progress, recovery, time management, etc. and make necessary adjustments as you go.

I'm nearing the end of my 2nd HST cycle and just decided a couple of days ago to drop 1 lift and start alternating a couple of others so I can keep my session time under an hour and because the weights are getting really heavy - I feel like if I have more than 5 or 6 lifts in a session, I can't really push hard for a new max on all of them. By the time I get through with maxing out on the first 3 or 4 lifts, the remaining lifts suffer.
If the first workout of the program (the workout with the lightest loads) took you an hour, you can count on the sessions getting longer and longer each time.

If you can handle that, cool. Some like high volume and can keep it up. Some can't - that will be up to you. I like high volume when the weight is still somewhat light. I like that pump. For me, recovery from high volume like that is only part of the equation. I have too many responsibilities right now outside the gym and can't dedicate more than an hour - maybe 90 minutes on occasion - per session 3x a week.

Since this is your first HST cycle, don't commit necessarily to a concrete plan for the whole 8 weeks. Keep an eye on your progress, recovery, time management, etc. and make necessary adjustments as you go.

I'm nearing the end of my 2nd HST cycle and just decided a couple of days ago to drop 1 lift and start alternating a couple of others so I can keep my session time under an hour and because the weights are getting really heavy - I feel like if I have more than 5 or 6 lifts in a session, I can't really push hard for a new max on all of them. By the time I get through with maxing out on the first 3 or 4 lifts, the remaining lifts suffer.

You do have a point there, ive got enough time because im not really a busy person but the workouts might get more intense and harder. Im going to see how it goes if it is too much to handle im going to drop out some of the excersises.
ive got enough time because im not really a busy person but the workouts might get more intense and harder. Im going to see how it goes if it is too much to handle im going to drop out some of the excersises.
The issue isn't so much whether you have free time available. Rather that workouts over an hour long may tend to be counterproductive.

As you say, see how it goes. If (when...!) it gets to be too much, you can drop out your dumbbell isos and still have plenty left.