Are your measurements accurate?


New Member
I bought toys for measuring my progress. A digital fat caliper and a tape measure that automatically retracts for accuracy.

First for the automatic retracting tape measure. I used it today, boy was it depressing! My right arm was 6mm less then when I measured it with just a regular tape measure. I didn't think I left any slack, but the automatic retractor is skin tight and feels more accurate.

As for the body fat caliper, I like it, but I can't use it with any consistency. I measured myself at anywhere from 12-18%. I can see my top 4 abs when I flex them, so I am HOPING that I am within 2% of having a six-pack.

Anyhow, does anyone have any tips for getting more accurate results on the calipers? I read a bunch of tips online, but none seem to produce the consistency I am looking for.
I'd like to see those tips you found myself, and any others folks can send in. I lost the paper that came with my calipers and didn't use them enough to even remember what the readings are supposed to be equal to.
In a way, I'm scared to know just how fat I am now. aaaackh !
The ones I got are pretty nice, as they do the calculations for you. However, it is only a 3 point test. I just did some cardio and tried it again. My most recent says I am at 10.8%, which I think I am about 11% w/ my top four abs poppin. I tried grabbing less skin this time (it says to pinch using a finger width of 3").

Do a google search for "fat caliper tips", you should find a bunch of sites.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can see my top 4 abs when I flex them, so I am HOPING that I am within 2% of having a six-pack.</div>

You are between 10 and 11% bodyfat. JW, I am sure you have read some of the inaccurate results from the digital fat calipers either on this forum and elsewhere.
(colby2152 @ Oct. 12 2007,07:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can see my top 4 abs when I flex them, so I am HOPING that I am within 2% of having a six-pack.</div>

You are between 10 and 11% bodyfat.  JW, I am sure you have read some of the inaccurate results from the digital fat calipers either on this forum and elsewhere.</div>
That's what i was thinking, but when you are feeling feeble at the end of a cut it is nice to hear other reconfirm your thoughts after a the calipers say otherwise.

I always consider the mirror the most important way of judging, but I wanted to make sure I am not fooling myself. I decided that going forward a combined approach is best.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I always consider the mirror the most important way of judging, but I wanted to make sure I am not fooling myself. I decided that going forward a combined approach is best.</div>

I agree. For instance, my bf% #'s haven't been going down and have been stalling, yet my weight has slowly gone down, and the results show in the mirror. The bf% figures will eventually catch up. I am thinking of getting some Myotape for better results.
Here is a another body fat calculating site

I use it because it has all the flavours of calculations and it also has diagrams on the same page...

I use the Myotape...and I think it is great.
In fact I got a Myotape and Digital Caliper set.

The Digital Caliper was more or less the same as the manual ones.

What I don't trust is those scales.

I know I am about +/-16% BF (maybe less since Colby says if you can see your top 4 abs flexed)

Anyway, this guy at the store was in pretty good phyiscall condition I would say 10%BF tops. I get on the scale and it tells me that I am 28% BF which is obviously wrong. He proceeds to tell me 'it is the most accurate thing blah blah' and he proceeds to try to tell me that he is 20% BF. I laughed at him and told him next time don't lie to your customers and left the store.

For a second there I was like what's he talking about...

Now I see...LOL...

Maybe she was modeled after barbie
AKUFADUM, I have the same myotape and digital calipers, they sell them for like $30 as a set. I like them both, I just need to learn to use the calipers better I suppose.
(colby2152 @ Oct. 12 2007,10:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That cartoon chick has extraordinarily long legs.</div>
I didn't even notice that she had legs.

I was appreciating her midaxillary skinfold site...
(jwbond @ Oct. 12 2007,15:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">AKUFADUM, I have the same myotape and digital calipers, they sell them for like $30 as a set. I like them both, I just need to learn to use the calipers better I suppose.</div>
The instructions that came with the calipers suck anyway.

Go with one of the sites that we posted here. I would say mine but it doesn't matter which one you use.

And just us the calipers to measure the sites.

I have both the digital and the manual calipers. The difference is 2-3mm but then again that could be just human error as well. I try to do it the same way every time I measure to at least have some sort of accuracy.

Now if they only had home boyancy tests....hmmm...