arms no response


New Member
my whole body response to hst well except my arms are the same size since i began

i used to play max-ot before and my arms reponsed very well to it i used to have big arms

what may be done wrong ?

can i use max ot for arms while using hst for other body
parts ?

and if that can be done what is the schedule ?

my current schedule is

dead lift
incline db chest
chin up
bent over row
military press
lateral raises
rear delt db
traps db
bb curl
hammer curl
over head tri

one set except incline chest and over head 2 sets
I assume you on 15's and that is why you doing one set?

If not please let us know what you are currently doing, volume and set wise, also rep scheme.

This may just be the problem.
The problem is that your chinups are not weighted. You also have too many isolations, which are taking away energy and focus from the compound lifts. Just my opinion.
Many variables here. It could be overtraining due to the excess of isolation exercises but if you are used to max-ot that is unlikely. In any case have you compared the weekly or monthly volume for arms in both routines?
One other possibility is that you have emphasized previously on arms and they have outgrown the other bodyparts and now they are sure to be harder to grow then the "lagging" parts.
Can you provide more information on your HST routine? Frequency, SD before, what mesocycle are you in, how's your diet...?
hey thnx for your replies

i do these sets in 10s phase 1 set each except incline db and over head i do 2

i added isolation exercise because i read in the forum that that useful for stimulation growth beside compound

about chin up i already do it weighted

frequency i do 3 days a week and i do weighted dips and weighted chin up in 3 off days

my SD was 9 days i am in end of 10s tomorrow last day

my diet is well cause i am bulking and my weight is up but the problem this weight is in my shoulders chest back but no arms
As Dan has just illustrated your doing a lot more work for your arms than the illustrated routine. Nearly all your exercises are stressing your bi's and tri's. If you've done well with Max OT I'm guessing you've got decent potential but I still think you'd do well to cut back, a lot.

You're also training them every day. Might be worth reading 'simplify and win' or just doing the routine Dan put up for your first cycle, maybe tweak after that.
If I've read butcher's post correctly, he is only doing 1 set for bb curls and hammer curls each session. He's also doing 2 sets of over-head tri-extensions each session. Assuming 3 x weekly sessions that's 6 sets for bis and 6 sets for tris a week. Guessing at what he's been doing before I think that's okay.

What I want to know from butcher is:

1) Have you completed a cycle or is your observation based on the first few weeks of a cycle?

2) When you were doing Max-OT were you doing 6 to 9 total heavy sets per muscle group and doing 4 to 6 reps per set?

3) Were you training arms once a week?

4) How many total reps are you doing for bis and tris during each phase of your HST cycle?

5) What sort of loads are you using for bb curls, what size are your upper arms right now and what is your level of body fat?

If you are only doing six total sets a week during 5s then I think that's a likely reason why you may not get the arm growth you are after. Here's the thing: if my understanding of Max-OT is correct, you were doing around 30-50 total reps for bis (and the same for tris) with a heavy load all in one session. That's going to pretty much ensure that you get a decent PS response from your arm work (it's probably more work than needed to be done, but at least it's not too little). Then, during your back, chest and shoulder sessions you are still stressing your bis and tris so you are still training them with a fairly high frequency.

I think what's probably happening, now that you have switched to an HST workout schedule, is that you just aren't doing enough direct arm work each session during the heavy part of the cycle. If you are only doing two sets of 5 reps each session then, while that's a total of 30 reps a week, it's only 10 reps a session. It seems that that is not enough for you to elicit a strong enough growth response with your present level of conditioning. Try 3 sets of 5 reps for bis and tris each session and see how that works out. If your arms are very conditioned to using heavy loads then you might well need to push the total up to 20 reps per session.

Hope that makes some sense.

If you haven't even reached the 5s yet, well...
I think he's also doing extra weighted dips & chins on "off days" in addition to dips & chins on training days along with the iso's you mention.
hey Lol

1) i am now in the first week of 5s phase

2) yes i was doing Max-OT i was doing 6 to 9 total heavy sets per muscle group and doing 4 to 6 reps per set

3)yes i trained arms once a week

4)total reps in each workout in bi 15s=30 10s=20 5s=15

tri 15s=45 10s=30 5s=20

5) i use bb and put

15kg in each side total 30 in 15s phase

20kg in each side total 40 in 10s phase

22.5 in each side total 45 in 5s phase

my upper arm size now is 35cm(13.7 inch)

i was wondering if i can use max-ot for arms at the same time using hst for other body parts or this can't be done

thnx for help
(butcher @ Nov. 13 2008,6:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">15kg in each side total 30 in 15s phase

20kg in each side total 40 in 10s phase

22.5 in each side total 45 in 5s phase</div>
I am not sure if you mean that those weights were the ones used during Max-OT or if these are the weights for HST. Remember that the most important principle of HST is of progressive loads, that way you should NOT use the same weight for a whole mesocycle.
(electric @ Nov. 13 2008,8:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(butcher @ Nov. 13 2008,6:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">15kg in each side total 30 in 15s phase

20kg in each side total 40 in 10s phase

22.5 in each side total 45 in 5s phase</div>
I am not sure if you mean that those weights were the ones used during Max-OT or if these are the weights for HST. Remember that the most important principle of HST is of progressive loads, that way you should NOT use the same weight for a whole mesocycle.</div>
I agree. These weights look too close together to have an effective progression - IMHO.

Please list your weights for your entire 5's part of your routine. I'd like to see what your progression looks like.

(butcher @ Nov. 13 2008,5:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hey Lol  

3)yes i trained arms once a week</div>
The 5ths:
Instead of ones a week do this 3 times a week.
1st week 2 sets
2 st week 1 set

Be sure your weights has to increase every week
Monday 20
Wednesday 22,5
Friday 22.5
Monday 25
Wednesday 27,5
Friday 27,5
Something like this
(butcher @ Nov. 04 2008,6:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">my whole body response to hst well  except my arms are the same size since i began</div>
I'm not sure if you have ever indicated how long you have been using HST, but something to keep in mind is the absolute gain vs. percentage gain.  For example, after my first year of HST, my chest grew 2.5 inches vs. arms at about 1 inch.  However, the percentage gains were pretty much the same...6% increase in chest vs. 7% for arms (after almost 2 years, 10% total growth for each).  So, while you may see smaller increments in arm measurements, the rate of growth could be relatively comparable.  Again, if you're just starting out, be patient, otherwise make sure you are eating like a pig if you intend to gain size.

I was just thinking the same thing as Omega. I read it somewhen back that if you want 1&quot; on the arms, you'll need 18lbs. bodyweight, not all fat either.
Have a burger, man.
(quadancer @ Dec. 06 2008,9:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I was just thinking the same thing as Omega. I read it somewhen back that if you want 1&quot; on the arms, you'll need 18lbs. bodyweight, not all fat either.
Have a burger, man.  
Quad, right on.  Checked my past logs and my 1&quot; gain in arm size coincided with.....(drum roll, please).....17 lbs. of weight gain.  Burgers included.  