Article request


New Member
Heya guys, this is my first post here and it will be one of only a few. I dont like to talk much, rather read everything that's in here... there's so much good information.

Anyways, I've known HST for a year now and I started using it in the beginning of this year (february). I've just finished a cycle and hell... it works.

I've always agreed to most of the principles and basics outlined in HST, just didnt know how to organize them all until I started reading some of the things here. I'd like to thank everyone in here who writes articles, cause you guys do it very well. Its cool for people to be able to base their training on research rather than on simple "most people say xxxx...".

Anyway, I'll get back to why I'm posting this. Most people know about HST from what they read in the Articles session. I've noticed for a while that such session is a bit static... everyone writes stuff here in the forum and I feel like the articles session is a bit forgotten.

When I first started HST my first doubt was how much volume was needed... I just trusted my guts and did a 2x-2x-4x (for 15s, 10s and 5s)... it worked quite well but I used excess volume in the 5s and strained my back a little with the squats and deadlifts, so I figured I could do better on my 2nd cycle and I started doing some research on HST and volume and I came up with this topic:;t=4628

I'd like to know if any of the experienced guys here could write an article about it... I found that post from Blade absolutly amazing and I think newbies that visit the HST page could benefit from it.... or not, just my 2 cents.

Keep up the good work, keep knowledge free of ignorance (paradoxal...) and stay on the research track peeps ;)
I'm not even going to get curious as to what your handle means...

I came along after Blade faded away, but I've read many of his posts. He's right on and the one you found is probably one of the best.
Anyway, the articles are sort of the Bible of HST, and once studied are the foundation of knowledge for all of us to base our training on. As did Blade, but I think that one reason many of us aren't sitting around discussing HST articles is because we are using variations such as 5x5's as an alternated routine. And some of the reasons? Well, for me, it's time and energy due to a variable workload. (construction) That makes it hard for me to always do the full volume required for HST, so modifications are in order. Some have injuries of various parts, strength goals, functional goals and the like.
You will notice however, that often we discuss other programs always in relation to HST principles. They're still the core.