At first I was sad and disappointed

When I started my very first HST cycle I measured my arms and my chest. Both of my arms started at 14.5inches at the beginning of the 15 rep ranges and my chest measured at 39.5inches. At the end of the two week 15 rep ranges I measured again and both my arms went up to 14.7inches and my chest remained at 39.5inches. When I saw these numbers I was quite disappointed because the increase wasn't out of the ordinary and my chest didn't even move. So I started my 10 rep ranges and I just finished the 2 weeks of 10 rep ranges this friday 10-21-2005, and I measured myself today 10-23-2005 and the measurements came out to this:

My left arm is now at 15inches and my right arm is at 14.9inches. Thats not bad but what I was really amazed about was my chest. Last time my chest didn't even move and today when I measured it, it was at 41inches. I was shocked, thats dope! I start my 5 rep ranges tomorrow...according to my results, do you guys think i'm a good responder to HST or is this pretty typical? And do you guys think that the 5 rep ranges will also produce some good results?


[b said:
Quote[/b] ]When I saw these numbers I was quite disappointed because the increase wasn't out of the ordinary and my chest didn't even move.

The problem with many people is wanting to see a miracle
, the gains are only as good as the nutrition you are putting in.

Also different people will respond differently, it is very difficult with humans to get an average response, because of the immensity of variables

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I was shocked, thats dope!

Ah...ah, the 15's are not really expected to produxce growth althogh manytimes they do, the 10's too are not exactly what HST would assume is a growing phase, but look you have ben patient and have kept some of the variables constant and, some response.

I'd say keep going and keep the fuel up there (without exageration of course
) and you will see some more, the 5's and negatives are really the areas where HST is supposed to cause the best hypertrophy
Perseverance and consistency is the name of the game. We all expect to see miracles in a few days, but unfortunately this is not the case. Just keep at it and the results will come. That's not to say of course that there will be no differences from cycle to cycle. Just remember not to get disappointed when something goes wrong, keep trying and eventually you will succeed. Besides using HST, eating right will be the key to success. Let us know how it goes.

Best of luck,
Good luck. For me, all the real growth comes during the 5s and especially the negatives. Just make sure you keep eating enough. Remember, your diet is the key. If you don't eat enough, you won't grow.
Hey guys I just wanted to pipe in and get your opinion also.

I just finished last month a long phase of cutting. When I started my arms were 16.75 inches now they are about 15.75 to 16 inches. Waist went down about 3 1/2 inches and chest was say around 43 inches now about 41 1/5 inches.

Now I know when you cut you take off that excess bulk so there for naturally you are going to loose some size right?

After first I thought what the heck I didnt grow but then realistically that is good results to keep that size while dropping 15 + pounds correct?

Last thing I have been lifting 11 years now so even on HST my gains are going to come a lot slower just b/c i have been at if for a while.

I guess I am just looking to vent to you guys b/c I know it takes time and while I look in the mirror and I look way better since starting HST sometimes the #'s dont represent how I feel I have changed. I guess it is possible to redistribute some weight around??? What do you guys think?

here's what i'm going for my 5 rep range this week:

db press: 75, 75, 80 per arm
military press: 50, 55, 55 per arm
Side laterals: 30, 30, 35 per arm
seated machine row: 205, 210, 215
skullcrushers: 80, 90, 90
ez-bar curls: 80, 80, 90
cable incline flys: 40, 45, 50 per arm
s.l.d.l: 175, 185, 195
weighted dips: 45, 55, 55

you guys think it would be ok to do 3 sets per exercise then next week when the weights increase, drop it down to 2 sets per exercise? Also, in weeks 7 and 8 I wont be doing negatives but rather repeat the 5 rep range but i'll also be increasing the weight where I can.

Hey Joe,

In my opinion, it is inevitable to lose some size when dropping a lot of weight. 15+ pounds is a fair amount of weight, so there should be some obvious changes. Do you think your overall appearance has improved during this cutting phase? If so, then it was worth it and you don't need to worry too much.

Yeah, it's true that even with HST, gains will be slower to experienced lifters. Nothing ever will be like the first few months of weight training. That's the way it works. Like I said in my previous post, patience and consistency will be the key to success.

Body recomposition is actually a controversial subject, but I definitely believe it can be done (over an extended period of time). Of course you cannot turn fat into muscle or drop fat only in target areas (hello abs!). It is actually a slow (very slow) procedure, in essence it is a continuous alternation between "cutting" and "bulking" cycles without you knowing it or taking notice. So, there can be significant changes in your physique without substantial variations in your weight. Over my years of training, I haven't put on a lot of weight, but my body has definitely changed. Sometimes these chages are so slow that they aren't apparent to ourselves, but others (who haven't seen you for some time) may take notice.

In conclusion, I wouldn't worry so much about size or weight as long as there is definition and symmetry. In the end, it's all a matter of how well you get on with yourself and your body.

Thanks 9to5!!!

You are exactly right. With 11 years behind me now not missing to many workouts at all in those years the resutls due come slower. Good point about not gaining weight, that definatly makes me feel better to know someone has expirenced the same thing in that dept. I guess you bodyframe will only allow so much weight at some point in time....that is if all things stay consistent like bf...and being natural of coarse.

Anyway thanks for replying.

Best of luck

Joe, joe, joe... don't worry about anything.

Eat right, train right. There will be times you'll get sick, or go on a long vacation, or get stuck at bloody hell work for days and weeks. But these things are just fluctuations you don't really have to worry about. Just continue training right and eating right when the fluctuations become manageable. You don't need to do anything special at all. Keep it up and, in 5 or 6 years, you'll most likely be a mass of rippling muscles anyway despite that sickness you got last month, or the vacation last year, or the bloody hell work last quarter...