Attention Leg Experts

Bob Evans

My legs tend to grow well. So well, I have purposly neglected them to focus on my upper body. Sure I have done some leg exercizes for the past 4 years. But have not focused on them -- and skipped them all together some cycles.

And I can't do squats anymore -- got a mild lower back issue which is agrevated by squats.

So this cycle I focused on legs a bit. Doing leg presses and SLDL. I am now in my 5s and am leg pressing 800lbs 6x (I could do more) We don't have 100lb plates at my YMCA, so there is no more room for more weight on the press. arrrrr. Also I am a little scared to do too much more weight. So what could I do to continue to challenge my legs with out asking the janitor to stand on the leg press? Not doing leg extensions this go around but I don't like to go too heavy with leg extensions --- because they can be hard on the knees.

(by the way my SLDL is very weak -- i just have not done much of them over the years)

any thoughts?

legs tend to grow better in higher rep ranges anyway. most claim they grow best at 20 reps. this will allow you to greatly reduce the load.

from my understanding leg extensions are harder on the knees than leg presses.
But surely what jwbond says flies in the face of HST principles?! If you are going to use weight progression and keep the reps high you will have to use tiny increments over a cycle or start with a weight that is so light it has little effect on muscle growth.

Please could you explain further.

I would have thought, Bob, that trying alternate single-leg presses would allow you to decrease the weight on the press while continuing to increment the load over a cycle. When you get to negs you would be using both legs to press the weight and lowering with one. Of course, if you are worried about the weight because of back pain then that's a different matter. (I haven't tried this yet so I don't know how uncomfortable it may feel. Worth a try though, I would have thought?)
Yeah, I'm not sure I agree with the comment that higher reps are better for legs. I gain more mass in legs during the 5 RM range, and I only use deads and squats for legs, so... definitely not true for me.
Heavier weights would cause more microtrauma than lighter weights. Maybe more volume would work for some people who find their legs being unresponsive though.
Well I have worked calves alot (they are at 18" thank you) People say calves need higher reps because we use them all day long (walking, standing etc) Me thinks that theory is applied to thighs too (as jwbond sugests). This is "gym wisdonm" -- though it could be false.

However I think I remember Brian says "muscle is muscle" and HST works on muscle. So he does not differentiate. Maybe I should do HST but use higher rep ranges for my legs -- so 30s instead of 15s 20s for 10s 10s for 5s.

I could see going for 900lbs but after that it just gets a little rediculous, and scarry, there is no good way for someone to spot you doing 1000lbs on a leg press. As a guy in my gym said "I can't spot you --- all I can do is yell for help"

I am not sure I 100% agree with the high rep theory. But it was a great suggestion --thanks jwbond think I might try it. Though it sounds a lot like squat till you puke.

depending on the machine you shouldnt have any problems doing 1000lbs on the leg press,although it sounds like you may need some more weights,you say you cant do squats,how does this affect other excersises involving the lower back,it is a pity if you cant use them cos its a real mass builder as im sure you know.i would do the leg extensions cant be any worse for the knees than leg press,
maybe some lunges too. good luck.
anything that puts a lot of pressure on my lower spine doesn't work for me. And have been advised that doing it would turn a mild problem into a bad one. So be it. Belive me I am frustrated squats, and deads are out. arrrrrrrrr. I really regret not being able to do the magic 4. Leg extensions do seem to put more pressure on the knees. I have been told than and experienced it myself. Lunges may be a very good idea -- thanks.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]People say calves need higher reps because we use them all day long (walking, standing etc)

Well if you are using your legs all day, then in essence you are doing very high rep work through the day with your bodyweight. IMO, you then need low rep (high weight) workouts to cause hypertrophy. This is why the 5's and negatives are best.
I too have low back problem so for me I do squat with the lighter weighs 15's & 10's, but when going heavier I do lunges. For 5's I hold on to 80lb. dumbels and do sets of 5' or 6's. Lunge fashion: I stand with 1 leg forward and stay in that position till ALL reps are completed then switch feet. I don't do the walking forward method. Just give this a try although you'll probably use heavier DB's.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]got a mild lower back issue which is agrevated by squats.

What's wrong with your lower back? I have three bulging discs in my lumbar spine. If you'd like, I can try and help you out regarding your injury.