Back at it, 7th Cycle


New Member
As the topic description suggests, I haven't been the best HSTer' as of the past two and a half months due to vacations, start of the new semester, busy schedule, got sick, and then had an emergency appendectomy a week and a half ago. I think I have only posted a dozen or so times during this span of time which is extremely minimal for myself.

I'm back on the forums, but I can't hit the gym fully till after Thanksgiving due to appendectomy. What sucks about the surgery is that it was a cut through the center of core strength, my abs. I am afraid of losing muscle after this week as I have not lifted in two weeks.

When I get back to lifting at the end of the month, I must start light. HST works great in that facet. However, I need a spanner for the next three and a half weeks. I am keeping the protein intake as high as possible.

Question, should I stick to an isolation approach for a few weeks? I am thinking something like this:

DB Military Press
Incline DB Curls
Leg Extensions
Calf Raises



These exercises minimize use of my abs. Obviously, I would keep the weight light.

Opinions needed as I need to maintain a balance of preventing muscle loss and injury.

Rest up...I had the same thing, I shrunk pretty small. Don't worry about it, muscle atrophy is rapidly reversible. Even if you lose a ton of strength and size, you will regain it very quickly. The most dramatic experience of this I ever had was when I had knee-surgery. My right thigh shrunk to a broom-stick during recovery, within two months of rehabilitation and weight-training my atrophied thigh ballooned back up and ended up bigger than my left thigh! I had to take about two months off from intense exercise when I had my appendectomy. As soon as my abs felt healed I started intense exercise again.
Hi...oh Colby mate

I missed you,so that is what happened to you?

Well Sci is on the right track...but if you feel up to it, you could take the approach you suggest,dobe careful though, it is hard notto use one's abs, they involved with everything we watch out there!

Rather heal-up good before you tackle anything.

Your approach would be the careful way to start though I'd say!
Do not, I repeat do not do the heavy stuff until your abdomen is completely healed.

Wow 7 cycles.  You must be a beast by now. It will probably be difficult for you to hold back. But you probably should.

I would just take the time to properly heal, do the "easier" stuff if you wish and don't sweat it with the size losses that may come.

I ran off all of my muscle training for a triathlon (I didn't really have any to spare), then got injured and sick...ended up down from 190 to 173.  A few months of HST and I got it back with interest, now over 200 and not too fat.

(hey 202 is technically over 200).

Best wishes for a great recovery and return to your workouts.
Hiya Colby, sorry to hear about your appendix. That can be really painful. Just be really careful. If you try some exercises you'll know immediately if something feels a bit too much of a stretch but that might set you back another week. I'd leave it as long as you can before testing it out. If I had healed enough so I could do a few sit-ups, I'd then be happy to try a few other exercises that are not core specific with light weights.

All the best!
Thanks for the response guys. Maybe I will eat at maintenance and just lay off the weights until after Thanksgiving. I may lose some muscle, but I should be able to get it back within a week or so.

Vagrant, thanks for the ego-booster, but I am not a big guy by our standards. I have put on weight over the past three months. I seem to be at the same body percentage, maybe a little bit higher. When I joined HST nation in July 2005, I weighed 171 lbs at about 13% bodyfat. All in all, my bodyfat is the same now, but I now weigh 220. I tried a lot of cutting early in the year, and I got down to 11%, but I like eating too much!

I guess that's a good thing sometimes. I had to get a blood-thinner shot in my belly every day for the past two weeks. It was the first time in my life that I was happy I did not have a six pack!
(colby2152 @ Nov. 02 2006,17:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I guess that's a good thing sometimes. I had to get a blood-thinner shot in my belly every day for the past two weeks. It was the first time in my life that I was happy I did not have a six pack!
I sympathize, having just come of a 3 week course of that myself. The body fat appreciation had me laughing too

My whole stomach area is still blue from the bruising!

Hope you're up and running full steam soon !
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Colby thats a lot of weight gain.

Is this all lean mass?

That means you are up almost 50 pounds ! </div>

With bodyfat percentage being the same at 13%, do the math... I put on roughly 40 lbs of muscle.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> Wow! 220 at 13%....that's my GOAL!!! Congratulations! </div>

Thank you! My goal is 243 at 9% bodyfat.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Just rest.

Make it your best SD ever. </div>

I think I will do.