Back at it


New Member
Well after building some muscle but constantly frying my CNS doing classic bodybuilding style splits i am coming back to HST. May or may not log my progress right now, possibly after im done my first cycle. Glad to see the Forums still up and running, like i said its been awhile since i last stopped by. tonight is the day 2 of the 15's :) cant wait. good talk, later.
Welcome back!

I hope you post your log since I’ve noticed a lot of people read them even if they don’t comment in the forums which means I thing they are getting something out of reading them.
I plan on logging my second cycle of HST. Im still surprised that this site/forum doesn't have more traffic ? With the scientific evidence/approach to training that HST provides. I have looked at other programs that have been said to be similar to HST such as GST ( Growth Stimulus Training ) but after reading through the program i dont see very many similarities other than the 1 on 1 off pattern. there are others but seems like none are as simple and to the point as HST. Since starting this program i feel me and my CNS will be back on the same page ;)
We've had a lot of turnover in the past year or so. A lot of the regulars aren't posting (Quad, Russ, MikeyNov, etc.), and then there are a number of new guys. Lol has been our mainstay.