Back for another cycle...hows this look?


New Member
Squat (Quads)
Stiff Leg (Hamstrings)
Standing Calf Raises (calf)
Flat Bench (chest) at the kness( back)
DB Mil Press (shoulders)
BB Shrugs (traps)
CG Bench ( Triceps)
BB Curls (Biceps)

ready to go?  or need something or minus something?
I'd do rows instead of shrugs and probably just deadlift regular once a week instead of two deadlift movements - but that's just my opinion.

Also the absence of a vertical pull (chins/pulldowns or what ever form thrills you) kind of jumps out at me, seems like a better investment of CNS and general recovery resources than curls , shrugs and two deads. - again just my opinion.

Depending on where you're at and what you are trying to accomplish I wonder if the close grips are really nessessary considering the bench and military...

IMHO this would be better:

1)Squat/deadlift (alternated in a way that fits your CNS recovery adequately)

2) Flat Bench

3) BB rows

4) Military

5) chins or pulldowns

the rest (curls ,calf raises , ect. )would be treated as auxillary movements - if done at all and would be dropped or reduced as soon as they began to cut into recovery/strength of the core movements. perhaps a few sets of curls tacked on to mondays workout AT THE END or calf raises on wednesdays ect.

There may some reason you've listed the movements you did that would justify these particular selections but in the absence of more info I have to assume you are planning a basic mass/strength cycle and my recommendations reflect that assumption.

Some of the absolute best gains I've ever made are when I use:


seriously ... and I periodically go back to it - and it always works for me. Inevitably I am seduced by the enticement of adding incline , upright row , Zercher Squats - even (gasp) curls! But at least once a year I return to the most basic abbreviated routine and always will.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">IMHO this would be better:

1)Squat/deadlift (alternated in a way that fits your CNS recovery adequately)

2) Flat Bench

3) BB rows

4) Military

5) chins or pulldowns

the rest (curls ,calf raises , ect. )would be treated as auxillary movements - if done at all and would be dropped or reduced as soon as they began to cut into recovery/strength of the core movements. perhaps a few sets of curls tacked on to mondays workout AT THE END or calf raises on wednesdays ect.
i like that..but do you think it would be alright to switch the dl to rackdeadlift and rotate that with squats?  b/c rackdead has done wonders for my back
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
1)Squat/deadlift (alternated in a way that fits your CNS recovery adequately)

2) Flat Bench

3) BB rows

4) Military

5) chins or pulldowns

hows this look then..

Squats - rotate with rackdeadlifts
flat bench
BB Rows
Military Press
Chin Ups
CG Bench
BB Curls

ready to hit up another cycle of hst?
Looks fine to me - I would keep an open mind about reducing or eliminating the CG and curl towards the end of cycle IF they in any way reduce the intensity and focus on the core lifts - that's just me tho...

Have you ever read &quot;Beyond Brawn&quot; by Stewart McRoberts? If you have you'll understand where I'm coming from with this advice - if not it is an excellent down to earth text that is strikingly similar in many respects to the &quot;simplify and win&quot; mega thread on this sight. Good luck , I'm sure you'll do fine- remember to log everything for future reference.