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Matt Daniels

New Member
Ok well some of you may remember me,but probably not.I have done HST twice,tried mixture workouts and some other various training regimens but I want to go back to HST to try and gain all muscle I can before June(when I will start to cut)as it still has the reputation for getting most muscle in the fastest period of time.

Do you guys recommend I start with vanilla HST or has anyone come to find something better yet.

Also can I have a slight reeducating in HST.

I've got 6 weeks,so should I do 15/10/5
10/5/5's and negatives?

I wont have time for decondition but at this standing havn't gone since about last monday cause I took a week off pretty much.

Also is it still believed that increasing everything by about 5lbs everytime helps for muscle gains?

Thats all I remember about hst and I think t hats most of it.Excercise wise I think I'd be going with this,but this is just a guess.

A Workout

BB rows
Military Press
CG Bench
BB Curls

B Workout

Flat Bench
Military Press
CG Bench
BB Curls

Hows this sound
Just the guy I wanted to see answer this post.Alright well I know your a big fan of M/S.What would be a good way to add M/S from start to finish.I was thinking for 1 set at the end I would use M/S.However how would I do this with submaximal weight :S. Also is using submaximal weight necessary for muscle growth...I'm really not seeing the point,just seems like I'd be using less weight and yielding less stimulis...
I am doing 65% of my 1rm to start and progressing from there to about 94% of my 1 rm. Go to the max-stim website to find out other ways of doing it.

The point of submaximal weights is so you can use progressive load. It is pretty difficult to add weight every workout if you start at day one using your max! Not to mention the bad case of joint-pain/CNS burnout that will result.
Alright well for the last set of each of these excercises I'd do 20 reps of the current weight for that excercise and use M/S to get that last bit of fiber activation.Or do you think I should do it at the begining and finish with normal sets?
If you are going to be doing bis and tris 3 x weekly I would do db curls and tri extensions for one of your A or B sessions. Performed correctly, these are both good stretch point movements and will compliment the heavy rows and presses nicely.
(Matt Daniels @ Apr. 23 2007,04:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Alright well for the last set of each of these excercises I'd do 20 reps of the current weight for that excercise and use M/S to get that last bit of fiber activation.Or do you think I should do it at the begining and finish with normal sets?</div>
Matt, you might find it helpful to read up a bit on fibre recruitment. What you have just stated doesn't make a lot of sense on an HST type program except at the very start of the cycle when the loads are light and if you are doing multiple sets at this stage (not really necessary unless you are on a simplified program of only a few exercises).

Sub-max loads can be effective if you are in a deconditioned state at the start of the cycle. If you are not deconditioned then you really need to start with loads that are not that light. Starting at the 10s and progressing from there would be your best bet. However, for a really effective cycle you would need to SD properly first.

Max-stim allows you to use even heavier loads than you might normally manage during 5s and still get more work done with those loads. It is a very effective form of fatigue management. If you are going to add MS to your HST cycle then do it at the end of the 5s. It will allow you to keep incrementing the loads for a whole longer while still getting in your required rep count.
Would deconditiong for a few more days...probably a total of 9 days,make it anymore effective or should I just start now rather then bothering with the deconditioning?
decondition for a minimum of 9 days. Anything less isn't really deconditioning at all, just a brief rest. Even 9 days might not do anything, but longer time off is better for deconditioning purposes.
hmmm well being on a six week schedule I think I'll just say tah hell with it and just start now...No point in wasting time if it will barely even make a difference.