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New Member
Yeah, been lurking for a while, and got a few things coming up that mean I can have a good SD and then get back into HST training. I've been recently doing a kind of modified 5X5 thing focusing on basic compounds to try to get my strength up, and that has been going well (in fact I'm still increasing my weights in some exercises, others have kind of maxed out), but now I want  to go back to HST training .

So anyway, my first HST cycle back will be the following exercises:
Deadlifts (with shrugs) - I'll see how I go, might change to squats and deads alternating
Hammer bench press
Bent over row
Weighted chins
Weighted dips
Standing military press
Upright row
Probably do some bicep/tricep and calf work as well

I think I've covered all bases, but any advice would be much appreciated. I'm going to do 3X weekly, 15s, 10s, 5s and then negatives, taking me through at least an 8 week cycle.

My main question really is around the lower increments - how low should I go, say for my first workout of the 15s? I've read that you should lift a minimum of 70% of 1RM, so I'm thinking that I'll work out my 5s, 10s, 15s and then 1RMs, and then mark out the 70% or 1rm as the lowest of the 15s and kind of work from there. Might be complicating things a bit though (and also I suspect the 70% might be a bit arbitrary and with the focus of the 15s not being hypertrophy per se could be a moot point)... Also, obviously chins and dips are bodyweight exercises so my full bodyweight needs to be considered as part of the weight, are squats and deadlifts the same?

Minor questions, really looking forward to getting started again though!
your workout looks
just find your rep maxes for each15,10,5,rm lets say your max 15s squat was 100k you count back like this
but if the 75 is to light do this,