Back to HST

I have been doing minimal exercise in the last few months. My life has been entirely consumed with my business and my firstborn daughter expected in a few weeks.

I decided to get back into some kind of HST routine.

I am starting out with a simple 'starting strength' template: 3 compounds, 3x5, 3x/week.

Today I did

Squats: 245 3x5
Dips: BW+40 3x5
Pulldowns: 145 3x5

I have lost some muscle, but I know it'll come back quickly as it always does.

Weight is hovering around 190-192 lb.s The physical specimens at the Olympic games have helped inspire me to get back in the gym...

We all go through this sometime in our life's.

Welcome back and may your growth be as you wish!
Hey Sci, good to hear you are back hitting the iron. Getting a business up and running requires a lot of time and effort. Sounds like you are doing both so I hope the results will blossom. All the very best with your imminent arrival too. Couldn't agree more about the athletes at the Games. Very inspirational. Check out some of the gymnasts. The guys on the rings blow me away every time.

Right, time now for the Men's 56kg snatch to start so I am preparing to be inspired, humbled and blown away again.
(scientific muscle @ Aug. 10 2008,1:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My life has been entirely consumed with my business and my firstborn daughter expected in a few weeks.

The physical specimens at the Olympic games have helped inspire me to get back in the gym...
congrats on the expectancy! good luck to you.

I agree w/ the olympics being a source of inspiration as well.
Thanks guys! I'll be posting again here and there. This is the best forum for bodybuilding out there, so i know you guys will be an inspiration too as I get back in the iron game.
Looking to focus on bodyweight+ exercises...squats, dips and chins are always good when you have limited time to develop the most muscle quickly.
I ate some sardines tonight, one of my favorite bodybuilding foods, tons of protein and omega-3 essential fatty acids all in one light snack!

Thighs are a bit sore today... as expected from full barbell squats.
Ok, I have picked a handful of exercises and figured my maxes. So now I am going to do a full 8 week vanilla HST program..if I can stick to it!

2 weeks of 15s. 2 weeks of 10s. 2 weeks of 5s. 2 weeks of continuing the 5s and trying for PRs.
I'll start tomorrow. Actually I have never really done a complete 'vanilla' HST cycle as Bryan laid out the original program, this should be fun!

I will stick to 2 work sets per exercise, regardless of rep range.
(scientific muscle @ Aug. 18 2008,1:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ok, I have picked a handful of exercises and figured my maxes. So now I am going to do a full 8 week vanilla HST program..if I can stick to it!

2 weeks of 15s. 2 weeks of 10s. 2 weeks of 5s. 2 weeks of continuing the 5s and trying for PRs.
I'll start tomorrow. Actually I have never really done a complete 'vanilla' HST cycle as Bryan laid out the original program, this should be fun!

I will stick to 2 work sets per exercise, regardless of rep range.</div>
Start up a log, I look forward to following your progress and inserting my labcoat-y two cents every now and then
I figure I don't need a log since I am following HST to the letter. I am just doing the program the way Haycock outlined it.

I will say this: After calculating my 2 weeks of 15s I was thinking that the first day of 15s was going to be pathetically easy because of the tiny weights. I was wrong!
I am out of condition and I forgot how hard it was to bust out 15 reps in a row even with 'pansy' weights.

That Bryan is on to something with his HST.
I miss this place though and I may eventually start a log. Right now I am just getting 'back on the wagon' of a workout schedule, and with very little time to think about it, following the 'original HST recipe' that Bryan has always stood behind is just what the doctor ordered!
My whole body is sore. And coming off a layoff, I am definitely plenty 'deconditioned' before this cycle. So I bet it will be a really good one. Once I make it through this first cycle and get some quick muscle-memory gains back, I will start a log for the next cycle and get input from you labcoats about handling the next SD period and how to set up my next cycle.

'Bodybuilding' (or whatever you want to call it) is addictive and its good to be back in the game.
(scientific muscle @ Aug. 18 2008,9:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I figure I don't need a log since I am following HST to the letter.  I am just doing the program the way Haycock outlined it.

I will say this: After calculating my 2 weeks of 15s I was thinking that the first day of 15s was going to be pathetically easy because of the tiny weights.  I was wrong!
  I am out of condition and I forgot how hard it was to bust out 15 reps in a row even with 'pansy' weights.

That Bryan is on to something with his HST.
This is what I did with my last cycle, dubbed &quot;Back to the Basics, Part II&quot;. I would have had more success if it wasn't for a setback with my knees. I'm glad to see that you are back; gotta' love muscle memory!
2nd day of 15s.  Its funny I am not doing any iso's yet, but my biceps were the most pumped of all my muscles just from chins and rows.
They were just insanely swole from the long time under tension.