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As I already mentioned in my other threat see
I switched from HST  to MaxStim. After 2 years of  MaxStim I want to start again with HST.
With MaxStim I use the following exercises what I would do for HST too.

Programme 2 times a week
Shoulder press

I haven’t been here for almost 2 years and I suppose a lot of you are more experienced that I on HST. Do you think this will be good programme and are there more people who are doing this short programme with good results?

I have already been reading a lot on the site but would like to hear your opinions.

Thanks in advance.
(bodyguard @ Oct. 01 2008,5:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I switched from HST  to MaxStim. After 2 years of  MaxStim I want to start again with HST.</div>
I realize that max-stim can be used within HST, but why did you decide to make the switch back?   Did you have better gains with one over the other?
(omega99 @ Oct. 01 2008,10:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(bodyguard @ Oct. 01 2008,5:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I switched from HST  to MaxStim. After 2 years of  MaxStim I want to start again with HST.</div>
I realize that max-stim can be used within HST, but why did you decide to make the switch back?   Did you have better gains with one over the other?</div>
After almost 2 years on MaxStim I got a bit bored.
I cant say wich methode is the best. I feel I got much more stronger with MaxStim.

I reall do not know how realize Maxstim with HST.

What about this workout with HSt. I know its only compounds.
(bodyguard @ Oct. 02 2008,4:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I reall do not know how realize Maxstim with HST.

What about this workout with HSt. I know its only compounds.</div>
HST uses submaximal weights with a continually increasing load in order to avoid Repeat Bout Effect. It calls for a progressive loading on a regular basis.

When the weights are light, we can do 15 repetitions. As the weight gets heavier, we drop down to ten, then five repetitions. Eventually we reach a point such that we are physically unable to increase the weight any more. Then we take some time off for Strategic Deconditioning.

Although compound exercises are recommended in order to maximize the effects of loading on as much muscle as possible per exercise, you'll find that isolation exercises work well, too.

To utilize the principles of Max-Stim for HST, substitute Dan Moore's recommended 20-rep sets in place of the 15, 10, 5 rep sets that HST calls for. Rather than reduce the number of reps per set, you would increase the M-time between repetitions as the loads get heavier.

Given your length of training and the fact you've done over 2yrs Max-Stim I assume you must have a high % of muscle and be strong. Therefore I believe a minimal routine (simplify &amp; win thread) like the one you have laid out would be best for you to make gains.

If you have done exactly these exercises the whole 2yrs I think you should change some slightly or at least alternate from from one session to another eg chins/wide grip pull-up , dips/bench (unless you want to target a specific lagging area). That together with the higher reps should make for quite a challenging workout for you especially on the first few HST cycles.

I think you should try 3x a week as you should still be able to recover quickly enough with the lighter weights, (you can always change down to 2x a week if you start to feel fatigued)

That said, I'm only on my 2nd cycle of HST (with Max-Stim extension) and have only been back on the weights for just over 3yrs so I'm not as strong or conditioned as you, so I could be wrong. Hopefully someone with longer experience of HST who is at your conditioning levels will be able to confirm or correct my beliefs.
What TunnelRat said. Max-Stim utilizes HST principles and takes the idea of clustering to the extreme, while maintaining a constant rep count throughout the cycle.